The First New Recruit

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Footsteps sound across the hallway as small boots stomp across the wooden floor. A woman with blonde straight hair tied in a high ponytail walks firmly towards the large doors at the end. She stops right before the doors, hands clenched into fists as she breathes a shaky sigh. Her emerald green eyes stop at the doorknob, wondering if she should turn her heels and walk away now. What awaits her behind the wooden doors will change her life forever, and in fact might cause her to die in the coming year.

Yet with that scary thought, she brings her hand to the door and knocks loudly.

"Come in." A woman says behind the door. She opens the door and walks in, presenting herself ramrod straight as she puts a fist to her chest and her head held high. The military's salute shows respect for the people before her and to the cause they serve. She eyes the emblem on the forest green long uniform coat on the man and woman before her. Wings of freedom, the emblem of the Scout Regiment. One of the three factions of the military, and the most important faction over the years as humanity's fate rests on that emblem; or rather, the fate of the Eldians in Paradis Island.

"State your name and position." The man speaks sternly.

"Rosaria Suede, captain of squad three in the Garrison sir!" Rosaria replies quickly and surely. Her eyes linger on the man before her. He has black hair that swept across his eyebrows and an undercut behind. He was noticeably short and sat on the wooden chair calmly, a hand over his piping hot cup of tea as his black eyes pierced Rosaria's emeralds. This wasn't the first time Rosaria met humanity's strongest, but still, Rosaria couldn't help but feel the man before her was an ordinary man. A man just like her who lost friends and comrades to titans. Human.

"Captain Rosaria. Thank you for making the trip down here. It was short notice for you to come after all." Hanji speaks with a smile. The older woman has her brown hair in a low ponytail while an eyepatch covers her left eye. Rosaria blinks, biting her lower lip subtly. She has also seen Captain Hange before, but now as she stands before Rosaria as Commander, there is no doubt that she has lost a great many things to be where she was today.

"It is my honour, Commander Hanji." Levi sips on his tea. "Tell us, why would you request a transfer to the Scout? I've heard from Commander Pixis that given your experience and skills in 3DMG, you were due for a promotion to Corporal next year." Hanji says. Rosaria looks at Hanji and straightens her back.

"Humanity has just taken back wall Maria from the very titans that broke it five years ago. This has been humanity's first victory against the titans... but at a great cost. We have lost more than 40% of the population, among them are our family, friends and majority... the comrades we fought beside." Levi lowers his head, looking down for a brief moment as his mind wanders to the faces of the people he has lost.

"Their deaths allowed for humanity to fight back for the first time... and without a doubt, now is the most crucial time for humanity as we prepare for a war not against the titans that we've been fighting all this while - but the humans in Marley who have been our true enemy. I want to fight for humanity, no- Paradis' humanity. I want to continue the fight the cause my lost comrades sacrificed their lives for. That is why I want to join the Scouts, where I will gladly sacrifice my life for the future it will bring." Hanji looks up at Rosaria, smiling. Levi looks unamused, leaning back into his chair.

"Looks like we have a replacement for Erwin's shittiest speeches now" Levi says. There is a distaste in his mouth when Erwin's name comes out, but he doesn't say anything.

"Congratulations Rosaria, I hereby accept your transfer to the Scouts. From today onwards, you will be squad captain of squad two and you report to Levi. Although.... As you know we currently only have nine members, and including you that would make ten; so you won't have any formal members to your squad yet. The plans for the enrollment of new recruits will only start next week, unfortunately." Rosaria nods as Hanji speaks. "Thank you, Commander." Rosaria says as she puts her fist closer to her chest.

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