The injury

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Chapter 7

As Eren's palm stops in front of the large doors, Levi has already completely taken off his gear. "Connie, find the medics and have them prepare for surgery." Connie nods and jumps off. "Should we get a stretcher?" Sasha asks. Levi looks over at Rosaria, noting how pale she was and her uniform was soaked with crimson blood. "She's lost too much blood. I don't think we can wait for a stretcher. She needs a blood transfusion." Levi says, stopping in front of Rosaria, unconscious on Eren's palm.

"Sasha, find a stretcher for Samuel. He's not in critical condition but he will need medical attention as soon as possible. Eren can help you while I'll carry Rosaria to the medic bay." Sasha nods, sprinting off. Levi hooks one arm underneath Rosaria's thighs and the other on her bloodied back, lifting her up easily as he stepped out of Eren's palm. Rosaria laid unconscious, not even whimpering in pain when Levi sprints towards the medic bay.

Levi's worried about injuring her further by carrying her in his arms like this - but she was in critical condition and getting a stretcher would cost too much time. Levi cursed underneath his breath.

You can't die on me, Rosaria. You have to hang on. We're almost there.

"Corporal!" Connie shouts as two medics appear behind him as they wheeled the bed out of the medic bay. Levi immediately places Rosaria carefully on the bed, making sure her ankle didn't hit anything, and was resting on the bed. The doctor and nurse roll the bed into the medic bay, already scanning her body for all the likely injuries.

"Connie, go help Sasha with Samuel. I'll stay with Rosaria." Connie hesitantly nods, taking one last look at Rosaria as if he was worried it would be the last time he saw her alive; then ran down the hallway. "How did it happen?" The doctor asked. He was a blonde-haired man in his 40s and the nurse was a young woman in her 20s. "We were experimenting with Armin's titan abilities. She and another soldier got caught in the fire." The doctor nodded, bringing out a flashlight from his pocket. He prods Rosaria's eyelids open, flashing the light to see her dilated pupils.

"Definitely a concussion." The nurse worked on cutting away at Rosaria's bloodied clothes carefully. "Was she conscious?" Levi shook his head. "In and out. She wasn't very coherent either." The doctor nodded. "She needs a blood transfusion." Levi said sternly. The doctor rummages through his cabinet for a collection of needles and tubes. "You're right, Corporal. What blood type is she?" The nurse looks up at Levi. "O." Levi says without hesitation. "Are you sure, Corporal? If you're wron-" Levi clicks his tongue. "I memorize all the blood types of my direct subordinates. I'm right, doctor." The doctor nods and grabs the needle and tubes from his table. "We need a blood donor. It has to be someone with blood type O-" Levi rolls the sleeve of his white blouse upwards until his biceps and holds his arm out. "I'm blood type O. I'll do it." The doctor nods hesitantly.

"Alright, this will hurt a bit." Levi doesn't flinch when the doctor poked a needle into the artery on his arm. Minutes pass by and Levi sees crimson blood flowing through the tubes as it transfers to Rosaria's own lifeless wrist. The nurse carefully takes off Rosaria's bloody uniform, leaving her in only her soaked undergarments. The doctor took a look at her abdomen and pressed gently on the skin.

"Broken ribs." The doctor says. "A badly sprained ankle, first and second-degree burns...." The nurse nods as she starts taking supplies and equipment out of the cabinet. "We're going to start the surgery. Corporal, I'd advise you to look the other way." Levi scoffed, cold eyes carefully eyeing the Doctor's careful hands.

Levi was going to see through it to the end. He needed to make sure with his own eyes... that Rosaria would be safe. Maybe then, his head would finally be able to stop reeling in so many directions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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