The Garden

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Chapter 4

"All clear, sir." Rosaria says, inspecting the last of the perimeter inside the cabin. She turned to see Levi, disgusted at the dust and mould on the surface of the wall. "There's no sign of the blizzard getting better. We should just camp here for the night. It's getting darker too..." Levi sighs. He scans the cabin, finding a small pot by the side and a few dirty cups and bowls. By the corner was a single sheet of a blanket - too thin to provide adequate warmth in the cold, harsh weather; but still, the place was enough for them to survive for a night.

"I'll go find branches suitable for firewood." Levi said, putting down his heavy backpack. "You'll unpack the supplies." Rosaria nods, getting to work.

"Wow... this is warm." Rosaria smiled as she reached her hands out around the small fireplace. Levi came back with wood and made a small fire with just a few tricks of rubbing the sticks together and some matches. Rosaria placed their canister of water into the pot and waited for the heat to melt the ice into drinkable water. Then she poured the water into the pot and added the black tea leaves into the small teapot Corporal had brought along.

"Looks like your teapot and tea leaves did come in handy, Corporal." Rosaria smirked, pouring the boiled water into the teapot. Levi smirked, watching as steam emitted from the pot. Levi took off his boots and coats and hung them on a makeshift line with the rope they brought. Their clothes were wet and cold from the snow and clung to their skin uncomfortably. Levi really had to put in a word with Hanji on making their uniforms more weather resistant next time.

"Corporal, here." Rosaria handed a ration bar to Levi from her backpack. Levi takes it and pats Rosaria's head. Rosaria blinks, quietly observing the Corporal. "Once you're done eating, hang your clothes on the line. The fire should help to dry them out before we leave during sunrise." Levi says.

After their brief meal, Rosaria hung her coat and gloves on the makeshift line. She was now left with her standard uniform - a white long-sleeved blouse and the matching military trousers. Levi sat down in the corner of the room as he placed the two cups of hot tea by his side. "Here." Rosaria accepted the cup of tea as she sat next to him, hugging her knees. "Damn, it's freezing cold." Levi threw the thin blanket over her head.

"Aren't you cold?" Levi laughed. "The sound of your teeth clattering is loud enough to scare bears, Rosaria. Don't be a brat and take it." Rosaria blushed as she pouted. She nestled next to Levi, their shoulders touching. "What are you-" Rosaria draped the blanket over the both of them and turned to look at Levi.

"We can share, Corporal." Levi glanced at her. "You're small so you probably have less body heat to fend the cold." Levi snarled at Rosaria who laughed at his reaction. "Are you trying to get yourself killed, brat?" Rosaria laughs, leaning into Levi further as her body begged for the small warmth radiating from him. "I'm only a few years younger than you, Corporal. You can't call me a brat." "Five years younger is still a brat in my eyes, Rosaria." Rosaria laughed.

The two sat in silence and sipped on their tea as they leaned against each other for a long while until Levi spoke. "When was your first titan kill?" Rosaria had thought she must have heard wrong until Levi looked at her. "When.... Wall Maria was breached. I was on the front lines of the Garrison with my....." Rosaria kept her gaze at the ceiling. Memories of that day come flushing towards.

"I told you I had a lover who died that day... right? Protecting civilians." Levi watched her face in silence. "He was protecting two kids, siblings. As he lured the eight-meter titan away, I took the kids away and flew them to safety. When I came back, I saw him being bitten in half in the mouth of that titan." Rosaria clenched her fists. "I remember my mind went blank as tears fell down my face and I looked into those giant titan eyes and it reached its giant fingers out to me with a smile on its face. I remember thinking... "Is this what hell looks like?". Corpses were everywhere. Blood dripping at every nook and cranny. People yelling, begging for their lives as the sound of meat and bones crunched." Levi felt his own fists tighten as he looked down at his own feet.

The Peace before the War - Attack on Titan/ Levi x OCWhere stories live. Discover now