Chapter 2

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I rolled over to turn my alarm off that was now playing the radio. As it was playing quietly, I laid on my back trying to think of what day it was.

Wednesday. It was Wednesday.
I looked at the time and it said 6:40. I had 40 minuets till I had to leave for school. That gave me plenty of time to get dressed, do my hair, eat breakfast, and do everything else I needed to get ready for the day. I made myself get out from underneath my heated blanket and out of bed. I picked out my long sleeve J.R Criders shirt, jeggings, and combat boots. I got dressed within a few minuets and started straightening my hair.

Once I was ready for school my mom and I got in the car and started backing out of our drive way.

"I'm going to come home a little later from work tonight so Sadie is going to take you and Harley to church. I will pick you guys up after." She told me.
"Ok, is dad picking us up from school?"
"Yes, you or Sadie will have to cook something for dinner since I won't be there."

Harley comes to my church with me every Wednesday night(she goes to a her church on Sunday's). I always looked forward to Wednesday night church because only the youth hung out and had a good time. Harley rode home with me on Wednesdays and we had a blast on those days, we got to chill out together having a good time.

After school was over and we were back home, Haley and I went up to my room. We started on our homework while eating a snack that consisted of Dr. Pepper and salt & vinegar chips, our favorite. I sat on my bed while Haley sat in my eno.

We helped each other with homework and talked about our day at school.

Later we decided to take my dog Paisley for a walk after we were done with homework. Paisley pulled me the whole time but I was used to it, I could never seem to get her to not pull.

"So is there anyone you like right now?" I asked Haley.

"Well..." She said.
I knew there was someone so I waited for her to reply back. I gave her a 'you better tell me now' look.

"I kinda sorta like Jason." She said hesitantly.

"REALLY?! I think I could of guessed that one!" I laughed softly.
Jason Wilde was in two of her classes, one that we all three were. She always was looking at him and saying things around him that indicated she liked him.

"Is it that noticeable."

"Yes Harley, I can tell by the way you act around him!"

"What about you, is there anyone your into?" She asked.

"Nope, noda." I replied.

We decided to go back to the house because I still had to cook something for dinner.

Sadie wanted pizza so I put a pepperoni one in the oven. I didn't want pizza because we had some two days ago but Sadie insisted. Harley was ok with pizza so I just stuck to it.
It was ready 20 minuets later. We all three had 2 slices with some chips. Harley and I laughed at the jokes Sadie told us and at one of them Harley spewed water all over the table from laughing, this made us laugh even harder.

When we we done Sadie asked if we were ready to leave for church. We said we were and left quickly after. In the car we jammed out to the radio singing at the top of our lungs.

When we arrived to the church Sadie told us bye and we were off. Opening the doors we were greeted by some of our friends from my small group, Vanessa and Courtnie. We decided to sit on the front row on the right side. It was a small building and the chairs were divided on the right side and left, leaving space in the middle and sides to walk. We talked with all the other conversations that were happening all over the room.

The youth pastor, Nate, came up all talked about a few things that were happening. We then went into worship songs and after three we sat down.

As Nate came up to talk I was scanning the room to see who was there. I looked over to the other side and my eyes laid on someone I had not seen here before. I found myself not being able to look away. His hair that was a light brown and was flipped over to one side. I could tell he was skinny and tall even though he was siting down. He looked about my age, 15 or 16.
He looked over and we made eye contact. I quickly looked away. I could feel he was still looking at me so I looked back at him. He gave me a little smile and I could feel myself immediately blushing. He was absolutely stunning.

Throughout the service we kept glancing over at each other. He was siting with a group of guys, I did not recognize any of them. I guessed that they all came together and it was their first time there.

After service was over and after a lot of eye contact with this boy I could not stop looking at, we got up to leave. I was hoping we would run into each other after service and start talking, but I scanned the room and did not see him. I guess they were in a hurry and had to leave. I was disappointed because I had no idea if I would ever see him again. Maybe he was just coming this one Wednesday. Even if it was I knew I was into him and he was into me. I could not wait to tell Harley. I wanted to tell her when we were alone but I think she already had an idea of what was happening. We were very close and somehow we could almost always read each other's mind.

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