Chapter 3

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I had to cover my ears Harley was screaming so loud. I didn't think she would ever get this excited about something so small.
"NO WAY! I can't believed he smiled at you! I knew you saw somebody but had no idea he smiled."

We both were smiling at each other. I was just happy that Harley was so excited about this. I knew she was about to say something only a best friend would say when the other liked a guy.
"Oooooo get it get it" she laughed.
"I knew you were going to say something like that! Your such a turd!" I told her not being able to help but laugh.

It was Friday now and I could not get him out of my head. My heart raced and got butterflies in my stomach when I thought of him. The image of the boy smiling at me was all I could see. It bugged me so much that I had no idea who he was or what his name was. I didn't know if he was going to come back Wednesday or if he wasn't. If it was meant to be I guess I would see him sooner or later.

Sunday came but he wasn't at my church. Great, I thought. Now he probably isn't going to come back. I would grow up and live with 20 cats by myself thinking of him all the way until the day I die. Okay, maybe I was over exaggerating but still.

Monday and Tuesday were very long days. I day dreamed of him all day everyday. In school Mrs. Summer had to wake me out of la la land and bring me back to the real world. I was a little embarrassed by this but quickly got over it. In Mr. Carr's room Harley made fun of me and I playfully punched her in the arm. Harley told me that she wouldn't be able to come to church with me on Wednesday because her family was going to go bowling. She told me to call her asap and tell her if he was there and all the details that happened. I was sad she couldn't come cause she was the one that made everything less awkward. Well, sometimes she made things more awkward but it somehow made it less awkward for me.

It was Wednesday morning and I got up quickly so I could make sure I looked decent in case he did come to church. I picked out a black tank top, a peach colored cardigan, a white scarf, jeans, and my black Toms. After straightening my hair and brushing my teeth I headed down stairs.
"Your looking good today. You never wear anything more than a t-shirt." My mom teased me.
"Yeah, I felt like dressing nice today."
I told her. I was starting to get afraid that she would catch on to what I was doing. It was true, l never wore anything more than a t-shirt. I was starting to care what I looked like because of him.

The last bell for school rang, getting out of the class room as fast as I could. Harley screamed out my name and I stopped and waited for her to catch up to me.
"Remember, call me after church tonight and tell me EVERYTHING." She reminded me.
"Don't worry Harley, I will."

My dad and I reached home. I wanted to get my homework done quickly so I could be sure to leave on time. I didn't have to much today so I was glad.
Homework didn't take me for than 20 minuets to finish today. I freshened up with deodorant and perfume.

I could smell the spaghetti my dad was cooking up. I started getting very hungry from the smell.

The spaghetti was the best I have had in awhile. My dad, sister, and I slurped it down fast. My mom walked in the door from work a few minutes after we started eating.
"Looks like y'all are enjoying your dinner." she chuckled.
We all just smiled at her and gestured for her to join us because our mouths were full.

When we arrived at the church my heart was pounding so hard and had a sick feeling in my stomach, butterflies. Why am I feeling this way. I don't even know if he's here, I thought. I got out of the car and started walking to the church taking deep breaths trying to slow down my heart rate.
I went in the side door which is right on a corner where people turn to walk in. I walked in faster than normal and being my clumsy self I bumped into someone. It wasn't a little bump but a more of a body slam that knocked me to the ground and the person back.

"Let me help you up." The persons voice was clearly a boy. It was dark in the hallway so I couldn't see the boy's face. I took the hand that held out to me. He pulled me up and I could tell he was strong. I looked up at his face that I could now see. My heart dropped and could not believe my eyes. His eyes widened and we were still holding hands. I hadn't realized it because I was so dumb founded. It was in fact the boy I could not stop thinking about all week.
"I am so sorry about that." I said breaking the silence. I let go of his hand that was smooth and made my heart melt holding it.
"It's fine, I don't mind bumping into girls like you." He smiled at me.
I could tell I was blushing when I said, "Is that a good thing?".
I was smiling at him. His eyes were gorgeous and he was just a few inches taller than me.
He ignored my question.
"I'm Will Johnson, what's your name?"
"Elle Brady."
"Hello Elle, would you mind giving me your number."
I put my hand out for him to hand me his phone.
I went to his contacts and put my name as Elle and put my phone number in.
I gave it to him and he smiled and walked into the main part of the building. A few seconds after him I walked in. I had to
Process what just happened. It felt like a dream. This could not be real, it was to good to be true.

During the service I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and read what it said. It was a number so I knew it was Will.
It read "Hey there. I'm glad your clumsy cause it gave me a chance to talk to you."
I smiled and looked over at him across the room. He had been watching me while I read it because he was already looking over at me.
I replied back to him saying "Same, so what is a girl like me?"
"A beautiful one".
My heart was bursting into a million pieces.
"Oh shut up!" I texted back.
"It's true."
I smiled again at his text, this time I didn't look over at him.

After church was over he came over to me. I was happy that my friends had already left because they would have made a big deal out of this and would have made me feel embarrassed.
"It was very nice meeting you Elle. I will text you tomorrow." He said with a smiled.
"Okay, I'll be waiting." I smiled back.

I walked out of the church with a huge smile on my face. It quickly disappeared when I thought of what Sadie would think of this. She was a protective sister and hoped she wouldn't freak out on me. But I didn't care what she thought because I was falling for him. I was falling for him hard.

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