Meeting You

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Jisung's P.O.V:

"We're here."  My dad said, waking me up from my sleep. I got out the car, stretching. I glanced at the house, then looked down, then looked at it again. The house was HUGE! I'll like living here. I went around to the back of the car, grabbing my stuff and going up to the door. I rang the doorbell, and the door opened to reveal a woman in her mid twenties. It wasn't Ms. Park, the woman my father married. "Hi! I am Ara, the maid here. May I assist you, sir?" the woman said. A MAID?  Whoa. She must have money. I nodded. She rang the bell in her hand, and three other maids came down, took my stuff, and took it up the steps into the house. I walked in, and I saw Ms.Park coming towards me. 

"Hello! How are you?" She greeted me

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"Hello! How are you?" She greeted me. "I'm good. I'm excited to live here. Its a beautiful house you have." I smiled at her. "Thank you. Your stepsister here will show you to your room. Y/N, Go ahead while I assist-" Y/N grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the steps, muttering something I couldn't quite decipher. We went up the stairs and in front of a door. "Here's your room." She said. 

(Something like that lol)

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(Something like that lol)

"Hey, don't you go to my school?" She said. She looked at me, then walked into the room next door. I followed her, standing in the door entry. 

(Something like that lol)

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(Something like that lol)

"Yeah I do. Why?" She said, sitting on her bed, looking down. "I thought you looked familiar." I smirked at her. "you were the only girl in the school that didn't wanna date me." She glared at me when I said that. "Why the hell would I want to date a playboy like you?" She asked. "Playboy?" She nodded. "You date every girl in the school, even two at a time. I call that playboy." (Wouldn't you, foxes?)  She sounded angry. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "No. That is just seeing what my options are. And I missed out on one." I looked her up and down. She got up, and walked to me. "Don't even think about it." She whispered, and slammed the door in my face. 

This will be fun.

Y/N's P.O.V

*Ring* *Ring*

You answered the phone to hear someone squealing on the other end. "Bella? What the-" She cut You off. "Is Hannie there yet?" She asked eagerly. You gagged on hearing his name. "Yeah he is." You said. She asked if she could talk to him. You would recommend his number, but you don't have his number. You told her to hold, and walked to his room. You knocked on the door, and he opened it, looking tired. "Yeah?" Han asked. "It's for you, Jisung. Hurry up." You held the phone out to him. He took it and You walked downstairs.  Mom walked toward you. "How is Han doing?" She asked you. "Jisung is doing just fine." You scoffed. "And you?" She asked. You nodded. "I'm fine." Jisung's dad came in. "Hey, Y/N. I hope we can get along well." He smiled at me. At least he isn't annoying like Jisung is, you thought. You nodded and headed to retrieve your phone. Jisung came out his room and met you halfway. "Here you go, Y/N-ah. Me and Bella had a good talk." He smiled, handed you you phone, and walked away. I texted her:


Hey You okay?


No. He rejected me. 


I'll talk to him, okay?


Really? Thank you, Unnie!


No prob.

You turned your phone off, and headed to Han's room. Here we go.

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