Time Flies

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"Good morning class! Today, we will be working on..." I zoned out because I already knew this. This was what I studied last night. "Y/N? DO you know the answer to this question?" I nodded and said the answer was B. -3 "Correct." He moved on.

Time skip: After class

I waked out to your locker, grabbing you things. "Y/N!" I heard someone calling your name. "Huh? Chan?" I said as he suddenly hugged you. "I missed you, Y/N. So I came back." "For good?" I asked him, wary. "Mhm" He said as he pulled away. "I missed you. You were gone for the longest. I was worried you wouldn't come back, Channie!" I said, looking at him. Chan smiled, dimples showing. "I'm back now, so don't worry." I held his hand and walked to study hall, not knowing someone was there, and saw everything.

Han's P.O.V:

Well, I see that Chan's back. And dating Y/N. Why didn't he tell me this This isn't right. I don't like it. I meet Chan after school."Hey Han. Whats up. How are you?" Chan says as I walk up to him. "I'm good. Hey, why didn't you tell me You were dating my stepsister?" He looked shocked. "Y/N? I didn't think it would matter. I didn't even know you and her were step siblings." He said. "Yeah. It was kind of sudden. But thats not the problem. I don't like that you're dating her." "And why is this?" He asked, smirking. "I don't know. I just don't like it. I see Nia walking over. "Hannie!!! I was looking for you!" Did I mention that Nia clingy too? "Hey. Sorry. I was busy." I said simply. "M'kay!" She grabs my hand. "Nia.... we need to talk. Like, right now." She nods and we walk away from Chan. "Yes?" Nia asked. "Nia, I don't think we can date anymore." She looks at me. "Huh? Why? Is it someone else? It it that Y/N girl?" She asked. I scoff. "Yeah right. I just don't wanna be in a relationship with you right now." She nods, about to cry. "You'll find someone, just not me." I say. "But... But I like you" She says. I shake my head and say bye. She runs off to her car.I start walking back to Chan, but I see Y/N is with him. She looks in my direction. She waves at me. I guess she's in a better mood now that Chan is here. I walk over. "How'd it go with Nia?" Chan asked. "She's heartbroken, sadly, but I bet she'll find someone else." I saw Y/N roll her eyes. "I got to go. I'll see you later, Chan." Y/N smiles as Chan kisses her forehead. "Bye." Y/N starts to walk away. I catch up to her. "Hey Y/N? Care to give me a ride home?" I ask innocently. She sighs and opens the passenger side for me. "I still don't see why you can't get up and drive your own car." She mutters as she gets in. "Because I can't." I smile and pull out my phone. Its spammed with text messages:

Nia: Are you sure about your decision?

Nia: I bet we could make it work!

Nia: please???🥺                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Me: I'm sorry, no.

Nia: please???🥺                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ...

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Y/N's P.O.V:

I saw Han was texting someone way after we pulled up. "Uhm Han? We're home." I tell him. He seems to not hear me. I look at him. Headphones. I look at his phone. He's texting Felix. I shake him. "What?" He looks at Me. "We're home." I say, and get out the car. "Oh. He says, and follows. I shake my head. Sometimes, boys can be so clueless I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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