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Han's P.O.V:

I heard someone knock on my door. I opened it up, revealing Y/N. "Yeah?" I asked. "Why were you rude to Belle?" She asked. I scoffed. "I wasn't rude, I just told her I didn't like her." I smirked. "Apologize to her at school tomorrow." She demanded. "No." Who does this girl she is? "You better" Was all she said, before walking back to her room. 

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The next day

Y/N's P.O.V: 

You got up, and got ready for school.  

After You took a shower, brushed my teeth, put your clothes on, you got your shoes on and headed out into your car. You got in, but didn't realize that anyone was in the back seat. 

"Hello, Y/N" someone said. You screamed and turned around. "Jisung! What the-?" You yelled. He just laughed. "I hate you." You stated and turned around. "yeah yeah. Hurry up or we will be late." Jisung said. "Who said you were riding in my car? Hmm?" You turned and looked at him. "I did. I don't feel like riding in my car." He said, kicking your seat. "Fine. Get in the front, then." He got out the car. As soon as he did, you pulled out the drive way. You started laughing. He looked pissed.

 He looked pissed

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Jisung's P.O.V:

She left. She freaking left. I smiled, shaking my head. For some reason, I wasn't mad at her. I'll have all day to get back at her. I called my best friend to come pick me up. I really didn't feel like driving. I had no sleep last night after sneaking out to go to a party.


"Hey Felix. Can you come pick me up?"

"Why can't you drive?"

"I didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm tired as hell."

"Ugh fine." He hung up. 

*15 minutes later*

"It took you long enough" I told Felix as I got in the passenger seat. He scoffed. "Well duh! I didn't know your new location till you texted it to me. " Felix glanced at the house. "Damn, how much did that cost? The house, I mean." He asked, gaping at the huge house. "I don't know. We moved in with my dad's new wife. And her daughter. Come on! Start driving." I said, punching his shoulder." He laughed. "No need to abuse me." Felix said as he pulled off. "Who is her daughter? She go to our school?" "Yeah. Her name's Park Y/N. You know her?" I looked at him. "Yep. She's Hyunjin's sister's best friend. She's cute, I guess." Felix laughed. "She's rude. I was gonna ride with her, but she left me. She hates me for rejecting her friend Belle. I guess I was rude." I said as we pulled up to the school.

"Didn't you date her for, like, 4 weeks?" Felix glanced at me as he pulled into a parking spot. "Yeah, and she was clingy. So I dumped her." Felix nodded. "Ah. Okay. Who you dating now?" He asked. "Nia. The girl in our class." I said getting out the car. Felix got out, slapped my arm, said "Just let her down slowly when you're done with her." Laughed, and walked away. I saw Y/N by Hyunjin's sister, Yeji.  I walked over to her and kicked the back of her knee. "What the hell?" She said and turned around. "That's for what you did." I said and walked over to Nia getting out her car, smiling.

Y/N's P.O.V. :

"What did you do?" Yeji asked you. "He wanted me to drive him to school, but I left him to get a ride with Felix."  You glanced at Jisung. He was picking up his 'girlfriend' and carrying her into the school. He'll break her hear soon. You feel bad for her. You shook your head. "Lets go." You looked ad Yeji. She nodded and you both went into the school, ready for the hellfire the teachers were going to rain on the students.

(Sorry 👉👈not Sorry, Teachers! Haha😝🖕)

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