The double cross

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You stayed overnight with the coven as you decided to have a few special things made by the forge and it wasn't often you got to stay with your own kin. The coven kindly sharpened your knives for you as well as giving you more clothing and other essentials for your journey. Several of the men had shown an interest in you however once you made it clear you had already found your one, they respectfully congratulated you and did not press the matter further. The children of the coven had crowded you in the evening by the fire demanding stories of your exploits and asking you countless questions and some of the mothers upon hearing you travelled with a child had made you a black baby blanket embroidered with the symbol of the Messaie in delicate silver. You thanked them all and assured them you would return again, weaving your way back through the busy marketplace and heading back to the hangar.

You walked in to find Din and Peli dealing with the child, droids whizzing about the place and a now dead Toro Calican laying on the floor. "What in the maker happened here?" you said drawing their attention Din quickly strode over to you grabbing you close to him "not that I don't appreciate the warm welcome, but why is there a dead body on the floor?" "He killed Fennec and double crossed me, he wanted to hand me over to the guild in return for membership and rank." he said clearely frustrated at being lied to, "he also said he knew Messaie respect shows of strength and that he would use capturing me to entice you to him as a added bonus." He spat the words out as if bile in his mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his helmet through your mask. "Capturing you when he has hostages is a dishonourable display besides once a Messaie chooses a spouse we love for our lifetime, our hearts are not so fickle." You hoped Din understood what you were trying to say although it was hard to gauge his reaction under his helmet you took the tight squeeze of his arms around your waist as a good sign.

Peli rudely interrupted your moment reminding you about the child and enquiring about the money for the repairs, Din leant down and grabbed the bag of credits from Toro's belt dumping hundreds of credits into her waiting hands. Evidently very pleased with this turn of events she instructed the droids to get rid of his corpse as you bid her goodbye and settled the child back onboard the ship as Din started the take off. You looked out of the window silently bidding the coven goodbye hoping that when you returned next you would be able to introduce Din and the child to them all, of course that could only happen if you married him as outsiders were not allowed in the covens unless they were spouses. The idea of asking that question filled you with fear and anxiety as you inwardly scolded yourself, you reminded yourself that you once took on a rancor with nothing but a single blade and some wire but this is what filled you with dread, it was laughable really.

Once you were clear of Tatooine and safely in hyperspace Din asked you about your visit to your people, you told him of your warm welcome and that sadly they had never come across anything that fit the child's description before. You didn't mention your trip to the forge you figured that could wait although you did show him the blanket the mother's had made for the child which you had used to get him to sleep earlier. You confessed "it was nice being with my people but I didn't sleep very well, I missed your presence in my bed, I don't think I can sleep properly without you next to me now you've spoiled me" Din let out a low laugh tilting his helmet to the side whilst looking at you, an action you were sure he knew had a very specific effect on you.

"Come here Cyar'ika" he said affectionately, you obliged walking over to him as he unexpectedly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you onto his lap. "Din!" You exclaimed with a giggle nuzzling into the fabric along his collarbone "What do you want mihi bellator?" You heard his small grunts of wanting through his modulator as he ran one hand up your thigh, the other wrapped firmly around the back of your neck supporting you in place. "You ner di'r" he whispered his voice causing shivers down your spine as your fingers found a small patch of exposed skin at the nape of his neck. You pressed your nails in gently, lightly grazing the skin as you moved your hands down under the fabric part of his armour as he let out a low growl of pleasure in response.

Tragically you were pulled from the haze of your lust by the unmistakable sound of the child's wailing, "Mother of Kwath! What does he want now?!" you despaired climbing off Din as he sighed deeply in frustration. By the time you had him calm and asleep again you were so exhausted you fell asleep standing up, head resting against the wall. Din wondering what was keeping you came and found you a few moments later. He quietly chuckled at the sight lifting you gently to bed before joining you himself, pulling your sleeping form close to him and allowing himself to drift slowly off to sleep eternally grateful you were back by his side once again.

A month passed as you drifted through space careful not to stop anywhere and avoid being detected by anyone both on edge since the events on Tatooine. Rations were almost out and you didn't have enough credits for more you knew that meant either you or more likely Din picking up another job. Your jobs tended to be very specialist, body guard work for magistrates and royals, mercenary work or occasionally assassinating warlords and crime bosses. They paid well but they were usually long jobs and solo work not suitable for bringing anyone with you. After the altercation you had with Toro you were both reluctant to do anything guild or bounty related this left your options rather limited but Din said he had a plan to do a job for an old crew he used to work with. It was clear that the idea of mixing with these people again unsettled him but with the guild hunting Din as much as they were the child working off the radar, even for someone so sketchy, was the safest option overall.

As you headed off towards the hangar you watched Din shift uncomfortably in his seat "they may say some things about what I was like before" he confessed "I want you to know that's not me anymore and it's probably best to just ignore them." You kissed the top of his helmet and put on your mask "I know who you are Din Djarin, you are a honourable warrior and a good man. Who you were once is not important, not to me." You replied hiding the sleeping child in your shared quarters as he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist "thank you Cyar'ika" he whispered with relief.  You span round to face him, your arms wrapping around his neck pulling him into a gentle keldabe kiss "you don't need to thank me Din. My coven taught me that to love someone is to accept their soul entirely, not wishing that the person was anything otherwise and not clinging to some ideal past." You tensed realising exactly what you had admitted to as Din reached a gloved hand up to your face and carefully pulled your mask down. As he gently ran his thumb across your lower lip he confessed "I love you Gaia, Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum." You broke into a smile as his thumb traced the outline of your lips, you gazed up at him with adoration "I love you too Din." You both eventually retook your seats ready to take on whatever challenge the galaxy had for you next knowing that whatever happens you had each other.

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