Character introduction

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Hi everyone I thought I would just briefly introduce the character I have created for this fan fic along with a bit of background.

I will be sticking to the basic plot of the mandalorian with some minor changes obviously.

I've gone with this character theme because I think there's loads of fanfics with Mando falling for a girl that's needs rescuing/saving/protecting and personally I think he'd like a lady that could kick his ass. So if you want to read a fanfic where the main character you represent is a badass bitch then please keep reading!

Introducing the love interest❤️ character

Real name - Gaia Ferox
Known as - Lady Death/ Messaie
Profession - warrior, assassin and bounty hunter
Allegiance - the Messaie
Originally from - Naboo
Family - orphaned raised from a young age by the Messaie
Age- 28 approx
Weapons of choice - various knives, electro whip and two blasters. She also carries a small amount of instant black smoke powder for when cover is needed.
Appearance - rumoured to be the most beautiful and deadly female warrior of all the Messaie , hourglass figure, slender but muscular built from combat, long black hair intricately plaited and pinned and each plait is secured with a small hidden dagger, Snow White skin, with red irises. Wears fitted black trousers, black boots, a black short sleeved tunic with a corset breast plate armoured with durasteel and like all Messaie women she wears a black hooded cloak and a black mask covering up to her eyes.

Who is Gaia Ferox/ Lady Death?

Gaia is a trained warrior who previously worked as an personal bodyguard and mercenary for many magistrates, royals and wealthy clientele. She has also worked along side Shock troopers on missions before although she tends to stay out of the war between them and the remains of the empire nowadays . She occasionally works picking up odd jobs out of Nevarro but is not a guild member and doesn't collect bounty's. One of the many rumours about her and the Messaie is that the women cover their faces because they are so beautiful they can lure men to their death with just once look. She enjoys adventure and is looking to complete the "warriors mission" which has so far been unsuccessful as she has not found a warrior worthy. She won her electro-whip in battle fighting a high ranking imperial warlord who was also a slaver around the time of the Fall of the Empire however like with her blasters she prefers to use her knives instead.

Who are the Messaie?

Pronounced the Mess-eye-ee
A creed of generally humanoid warriors, their home planet Messa was decimated many years before when they refused to join the empire  and as a result their surviving people have formed covens on various planets that regularly take in orphans to grow their ranks and continue their culture. They consider  knives sacred and prefer to use them and occasionally spears to blasters but most still carry a blaster just in case.
When proposing to a female Messaie it is customary that instead of jewellery they are presented with a knife and if the female accepts she will use it to cut off a plait from her hair and offer it to her suitor. Once married a female Messaie will often replace the braid they have cut off by weaving the hair of their now loved one in its place the male will weave her hair offering into his own or if they are unable to do so they keep it on them at all times as a token of affection.
They believe in the way of the warrior "warriors respect warriors" respect is earned not given, they respect those who fight not those in positions of wealth and power. Family is everything and they choose to wear black masks and hooded cloaks around enemies and strangers and whilst fighting to protect their families by staying as anonymous as possible. This is also why they chose warrior names like "Lady Death" for example only those they truly trust know their true names. They do show their faces to allies and their families however this is earned by trust and a mark of great honour and respect.
They believe in the "warriors mission" to find your person and raise a family of warriors to carry on the way of the Messaie. Many Messaie died during the attack on the homeworld this means the "warriors mission" is even more important to them, to replenish their numbers and ensure the survival of their culture. They are mostly human however they regularly adopt other species into their clans and all follow the belief that all genders are equal and all can be warriors. Both grow their hair long so it can be plaited and small knives hidden within this is why the offering of a plait is such a sacred thing as cutting one off is seen as weakening yourself slightly for that person. 

Messaie marry for life they see it as a soul bond divorce is very rare and in such a case they cut the spouses hair from their own and the proposal knife is melted down and discarded. They dislike the empire however they did not join the rebels they as prefer not to interfere due to their limited numbers and only fought alongside them when the opportunity to be a warrior in hand to hand combat is offered. They hold great respect for other warrior races especially the mandalorians and are known to speak many languages although they have their own. The greatest disrespect to a Messaie woman is to call her delicate, fragile or weak, this is because the strongest women and the best fighters are considered the most desirable in the Messaie culture.

This is the symbol of the Messaie all of them wear it on the back of their cloaks and if you have proven yourself a strong warrior to your coven then you are bestowed it as a tattoo. Gaia recieved her tattoo after fighting with the shock troopers, defeating the Imp warlord, freeing his hordes of slaves and gaining her electro-whip.Her tattoo is etched down her spine.

For the purposes of this story the Messaie language will be called Messan and I will be using Latin as the translation because I think it suits it well so if you want to google what she is saying you can 💖 I'll try to throw in some Mando'a from o...

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For the purposes of this story the Messaie language will be called Messan and I will be using Latin as the translation because I think it suits it well so if you want to google what she is saying you can 💖 I'll try to throw in some Mando'a from our favourite space daddy too💖

I do not own anything Mandalorian or star wars obviously! Hope you enjoy comments and feedback are welcome x

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