Ron Weasley- The burrow

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Hello loves I'll probably post one last part today and do more tommorow. Go to the bathroom and get comfy❤️

⚠️Light cussing ⚠️

The Burrow

I was awoken to a loud thud and then a "Bloody h3ll!" from Ron, and of course Ginny was there with him. Ginny says "I saw ron and he was sleep walking but I thought he was trying to scare mum or me so I hit him in the back of his head with a book...." Ron is crying and Ginny was obviously feeling bad. Holding a copy of "Quidditch through the ages" in her Left hand. I looked at them and said "Ginny you obviously didn't mean it... Right?" I gave an assuring look. "Well, yeah.. sorry Ron.." Ron shook his head, but the tears were still streaming down his face. His pale skinned face and gorgeous greenish-silver eyes. "Umm y/n?" Ginny says, I bring myself back into the present "yes?" I say "Could you maybe... Not tell mum?" "Oh um yeah I won't tell her" Ron speaks up "Well I sure will! It's a miracle I don't have amnesia or something since you hit me so hard!" Ginny runs off. That's probably a good thing too, Ron wasn't crying anymore he looked furious almost. I sat down next to him "No need to be mad Ron. It was just a honest mistake" "y/n you don't understand. She knows I sleep walk! She probably just did it for fun..." "Ginny would never do such a thing ron! She's your sister." He looked at me with a sort of glare plastered on his face "I guess so.." he mumbled. I shook off that entire situation. And walked over to where Molly was. "Good morning, dear!" "Good morning Mrs. Weasley!" I went and sat down at the table where everyone except Ron sat. "Y/n dear would you get ron please?" I nodded and went off to find ron. He was still sitting in the exact same spot. "Ron it's time for breakfast" "Okay" "what's wrong?" "Nothing" "Are you sure?" "Yes y/n just leave me alone!" he storms off and leaves me just standing there. I can't believe my best friend and my CRUSH of all people just got mad at me for being polite! He's dastardly! I can't believe him! Ugh, now I have to go eat breakfast with him. I don't even have an appetite anymore.

-later on-

I'm laying in my bed when I hear knocks on the door. "Come in!" I say. the door opens and in comes Ron. "Is there something wrong?" I say to him. He gives me a sort of glare before he says "No. I just wanted to say sorry for this morning.." "oh, it's alright" "well I just got upset because- you know what um nevermind. I'll just go" "No! Don't go! Tell me,why did you get upset?" "Well I just..." "Well...." "Y/n I'm in love with you. I have been in love with you ever since we met and it just made me mad that you out of everyone in this world saw me crying..." "Ron I... I love you too... I've had this big crush on you ever since last year!" You walk up to him and hug him tightly. You then whisper in his ear "I don't care that you cried in front of me, I'm sure it hurt. Ginny has a strong arm" Ron laughs a bit. "I love you y/n" "I love you too Ron"


I'm in such a writing mood right now so I might do 4 stories today if this mood lasts.

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