Chapter 21

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AN: So not edited. 

Chapter Twenty-One - Dust Hasn't Settled (Gabriel's POV)

I couldn't understand when they let her agree to this fight but now I did, she killed Maggie and while I grew up with Maggie I was happy that Chelsea killed her. I didn't understand at first so I begged for them to stop her but they had this confidence in her that was confusing, until I saw her shift. My wisp of a mate girl was a beautiful Alpha sized white wolf, there were not any left in the world as far as everyone knew.

Mate is beautiful, my wolf said in a daze.

The myth was that they were directly related to the Goddess and held a strength that was stronger than any regular wolf. They had the natural ability to challenge anyone, but with training they were impossible to dominate. No one had seen a white wolf in a very long time, when she looked at me before Maggie attacked her I couldn't understand why she would take her focus off of Maggie that was the number one thing you shouldn't do in a battle; all wolves no matter how young never took their eyes off their opponent.

I was terrified when I saw Maggie leap, I couldn't look away but out of the corner of my eyes I saw her guards and they looked confident.

She was mesmerizing, words couldn't explain; one minute I was looking at a brunette human, and if you blinked you would have missed it. She was pure white, twice the size of Maggie; my family was all shocked as was Maggie's, I heard their gasps and saw their wide eyes.

Looking directly at Jay I knew what he was thinking, he was regretting this; he knew the myth on white wolves. Seeing my mate move I knew that not only could she take Maggie but also I was fairly certain she could take Jay and Ames.

Then it all made sense, the confident smirks her pack wore, her demanding that she didn't want to fight Maggie to the death. My mate knew she could take Maggie; it was then that I became very disappointed with my family and I was ashamed. They all thought she would kill my mate and all of them came, the only person that looked like she didn't approve of this challenge was my mother who had walked away from my father to stand near me. I glanced at her quickly once Chelsea made a move; she brought her hands up to her mouth shakily. The victorious smirks and smug faces on the Colts and my family dropped immediately, I couldn't understand their behavior.

What the hell did they think would happen if Maggie killed my mate? That I would accept Maggie? God either way no matter how this ended Maggie would have ended up dead, either by my mates' hands or by mine.

Jay was Chelsea's biological father and what? He didn't raise her so that meant her life was expendable? What I didn't understand was Audrey, he had Audrey, they were twins... didn't all fathers love their offspring? He came along with Maggie, his wife and mate, their children to watch my mate die and I was filled with rage at the thought. It was taking all my energy to control my wolf, not to help my mate, but to not kill Jay, my father, our family.

We were killers by nature but could control that to live peacefully among others, however at this moment I felt like we had all become so cold. This was worse than when animals in the wild ate their own babies; my father used Maggie to try and control what I would do. He knew I rejected my family and pack, I'm sure he felt it and I'm sure my mother had tried to talk him and Maggie out of doing this but he wanted to get his way no matter what.

When the fight was over and Chelsea had won, she walked over to Jack; he took his shirt off and gave it to Chelsea. She walked behind a car and changed coming back in his shirt and really short black cotton shorts. There was nothing more I wanted than to peal every layer of clothing off of her and check for injuries but I could tell with my eyes that her hands had a few scratches; one on her face but for the most part, Maggie hadn't done any damage. She was calm and collected but she was angry as well I listened to what she said to the Colts, pretending that my family wasn't even here. When she finishing speaking, I turned to watch her walk away but before she could even make it far enough I saw Audrey grab the gun that was holstered in Jay's side, in the moment I knew she was aiming at my mate.

Underboss, Unexpected (Book #1)[To Be PUBLISHED]Where stories live. Discover now