Chapter 24

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AN: Hey thanks everyone for voting and reading, I love reading your comments!! I know everyone loves the longer chapters but it takes me some time to type it up and then I have to go do real life things... SO I tend to post whatever I type up in a certain amount of time. So If I only have an hour to type I post what I have after that hour. The upside of doing that is I update frequently instead of waiting a week for a long chapter you guys get shorter ones.

See ya at the bottom :)

Chapter Twenty-Four- Awkward Silence... Please? (Gabe's POV)

After Chelsea walked away things were quiet until everyone was introduced and Jamie's brother in law asked, "Beta Colt, how could you be okay with any of this? You might not have raised Chelsea but that girl is your blood.

You could cut the tension with a knife right then.

Jay began growling and a werewolf nurse came to us, "Would you all like to move somewhere more private?"

I was hoping that everyone would decline because if I thought this couldn't be anymore awkward, I was wrong.

A smaller room, with all of us in it couldn't be a wise move.

Of course luck was definitely not on my side today, shockingly dad wasn't the one who agreed, it was my mother.

"Okay, follow me," the nurse replied, showing us to a private area.

"Jack questioned my father point blank, "What were you hoping to accomplish?" my father growled. So we are not going to ignore the elephant in the room. Of course, just perfect.

"Your leader," he spat not calling Chelsea by her given name, saying the word like  it was a dirty thing "coming here has thrown a fucking wrench in plans that were nearly 25 years in the making!"

Like that was wall this was about.

"So let me get this straight you get to have your true mate, but your son has to settle and give up his?" said Violet, she had balls and reminded me greatly of my mother, never sugar coating anything.

Ignoring her question my dad asked one of his own again, "Why didn't her previous pack not warn us that she was a white wolf?" ahh... getting to his true concern.

Immediately Chelsea's pack growled, then answered. "She never shifted around any other wolves, but the people you see here in this room right now."

"Have you known her all her life?" a weird look passed across his face, and then instantly went back to being blank.

"No we met when she shifted."

"How did the human know to call you, was he aware of our kind previously? I mean she's been with him since he was a baby, how did he adopt a wolf baby?" the thing was while sometimes parents with wolf children were killed the children would go to a werewolf group home, were if you were unable to have a child you could adopt from there. They never however let humans adopt werewolf children.

"He didn't adopt Chelsea as a baby-"

"But the records?" my mom spoke.

"Chelsea went from home to home until she was 11 years old, then she was adopted by her father Jason." Said Casey.

"Why do the records say differently?" I asked.

"Jason didn't want that following her around, after a while he noticed that when people assumed she had been with him for a while she never corrected them, he didn't want her records about her past ot follow her around so he had it taken care of," he finished.

Underboss, Unexpected (Book #1)[To Be PUBLISHED]Where stories live. Discover now