Chapter 46 - Chapter 49

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Chapter 46 (Chelsea's POV)

Going downstairs I heard jack over the pack link, come to the office and bring Gabriel along Chelsea


"We are needed in the office here," I told him.

"What's up?"

"Not sure," I said as we turned the corner before walking to the office.

The only ones there were Gabriel's parents, Jamie, Jack, Casey and the four men that Alpha George brought over.

Everyone except Mina had a blank face when we entered, she was smiling at Gabriel. Well so I thought but she was really actually fixated on our hands; they were linked.

I'm so proud of him, shocked too!!! She gushed then I heard her think he didn't take advantage of that poor girl, thinking about something other than his lower head.

If I wasn't so shocked at what she thought I would've laughed regrettably giving away just another clue about myself.

"Hey guys we were all discussing Chelsea and Ava," Jamie said but something was off about the way he was speaking or maybe it was the sound of his voice but I could tell it was fake at the moment.

What is wrong Jamie? I asked him privately.

Later, was all he said a tad bit coldly, detached which was not the Jamie I had grown to know.

I could tell that something was dreadfully wrong with him but also that he didn't want for us to discuss it at this moment and I could understand that because when I first met the Colts' in person that is I broke down but wanted to do that in private so I could certainly grant Jamie that. Even though for the first time I wanted to selfishly use my gifts to by pass any walls he had put up. I knew that whatever the problem was had to do with Samuel because he just seemed to be the cause of major troubles as of late.

"About Ava, does she remember anything about what happened to her?? I know she's young and was younger when she was marked, well not marked but changed," George said but everyone else was looking at me expectantly for answers, wanting to know what I knew but unfortunately it was not much.

"She doesn't know much, when I ask certain things she has flashes, or memories but they are blurry and so far when I've been around her she only thinks of her past when she is prompted," I said rambling.

"She woke up for a bit? Was she okay?" Casey asked.

"Yes, she did but oddly she just crawled into my bed and went back to sleep," I said still perplexed by the behavior.

Mina giggled, "Blame Gabriel," her giggles turning into full on laughter.

"She has been sleeping with someone in our family since she's been with us, she's a bit spoiled I would say."

Sheepishly Gabriel spoke, "I didn't know she was a werewolf child." Defending himself, pouting slightly.

I smiled softly at his expression, "So what should I do?" I asked Mina, not sure if I should leave her alone or move her back into her bed. I was worried about a few things; would she think I didn't want her? Would she fell like she is being punished now since she spent years sleeping with someone next to her as a wolf? Would that be traumatizing to push her away? The worst thing I could think of was what if she was afraid of something but her innocent mind couldn't successfully explain those fears to me adequately?

Underboss, Unexpected (Book #1)[To Be PUBLISHED]Where stories live. Discover now