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/TW* mentions of abuse and suicide. please skip to chapter one if this topic makes you uncomfortable. thank you!

Princess Luna Taurendil was raised by her mother to fear the First Order. They were selfish, scary brutes. They spread pain and darkness throughout the galaxy. They were no good. And this way of thinking would be normal in most families, but Luna was conflicted. Because her father worked closely with the First Order.

Luna knew from a young age that she was very different from her peers. She could do things that the children around her couldn't. She would set her mother's favorite curtains on fire when she got into trouble. She could burn her father when he put his hands on her. She could make small objects float in the air. This, of course, fascinated  King Jasper, her father. He saw many opportunities to help improve his kingdom with his daughter's powers. This was not the case with Luna's mother, Lily. When she watched her daughter's bond with the force strengthen, it terrified her. What was to become of her precious child?

  Jasper was a very power-hungry, volatile, and vicious man, who seemed cool and collected in front of his Kingdom of Rinn.0When he came home at the end of the day, he would take all of his anger and frustrations out on his wife and daughter. Lily and Luna suffered immensely at the hands of the abusive King. His mood could change in an instant, and just when Luna thought he was starting to change and become the father she'd always hoped for, he would snap, and her dreams of a happy family would be crushed.

  Lily tried her best to give Luna a happy life. She would shield her daughter from the worst of the abuse, but that always meant that she had to bear the brunt of her husband's anger. And there's only so much abuse that a person can handle. One lovely spring day,  Luna was out at her evening tutoring session, and Lily ended her own life. When her body was discovered by Luna, King Jasper made her swear to never tell a single soul that her mother had killed herself. The cunning man framed Lily's death to look like an accident, and the Kingdom mourned the death of their beloved Queen.

  With her mother gone, there was no one to protect Luna. Jasper made plans to sell Luna off to the First Order on the day of her twentieth birthday. Until then, she trained for the day that she would be sent away. She learned battle strategies and fighting moves. She pushed herself to become the strongest that she could be. And she tried her hardest to prove herself worthy of her father's love and approval. But it never seemed to make any difference.

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