*Chapter 26: Finally Falling

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*THIS CHAPTER MAIN CONTAIN A MENTION OF A SCENE OR TWO FROM SEASON 3. Also, potential TRIGGER WARNING;  there's a small mention of self-harm. And a little bit of a scene from Chapter 11 is alluded here. 




Zelena anxiously drums her fingertips along her thigh as she retraces Hawk's steps with her own. As soon as the door opens, the tall woman immediately inquires, "Where have you been? You were supposed to be home from practice three hours ago! And you're still on-" Her voice falters the second her son moves out of the way to reveal the daughter she'd never known she wanted until he brought her 'round. "Zelena?"

The brunette lifts her head up, sheepishly smiling at the beautiful woman before lifting her hand and waving it. "Sorry. After practice I took Demetri home and we got caught up there- well I did. Visiting his sister since... I didn't mean to overstep."

Miss Moskowitz steps out of the pathway she'd squared herself off in, "No problem! Come in, come in." Her hands feverishly usher Zelena into the warmth of the home she hasn't stepped foot into for months. Although, oddly enough, it felt like years. Zelena's eyes wander around the living area like it is a whole new world, like they had remodeled the entire space just to give her something to focus on in place of the rapid beating of her heart. Her arms tuck beneath each other across her chest to receive more warmth due to hers being stolen by the chill running up and down her spine at the thought of her purpose for being here. The last two times she'd tried to have a conversation with Hawk, she'd been shoved out- first figuratively and then literally.

Her arms awkwardly uncross, falling flat to her sides while she remains in the middle of the entrance space; not too close to the door, but not too close to the living space where she chanced getting comfortable again. Where she chanced falling all over again and getting hurt. Though she knew she had never stopped falling.

Before Hawk can swoop in and invite her upstairs for a semblance of privacy, his mother centers herself in front of Zelena with lips parted. She's prepared to say something. But the longer her eyes examine the lost features across the normally completely present girl, all words disappear into the skin of her tongue. Instead she finds the best method to ground the lost soul is to envelope her into a hug. There's a single shudder from the brunette teen to adjust to the temperature change and then Zelena just melts. She melts into the welcoming embrace, into her motherly figure's body, into the atmosphere of a house that felt like home. "It's good to see you again, Zelena." Unable to find words, Zelena squeezes her arms around the woman's back in pure gratitude.

"I didn't rush them," The teen mumbles into the woman's shoulder. For a second Hawk's mother is confused, so much so she pulls back only slightly from the hug to read her non-biological daughter's face. The glimmer in her eyes has returned mischeviously and the simple sentence makes sense. She grins back at the sly teen, bobbing her head ever so slightly in agreement with the advice she'd given Zelena back at the hospital. "He's coming around."

Hawk observes the seemingly peculiar exchange between the two women in his life from the door, completely baffled by Zelena's very generic sentence that his mom grasps onto. His head tilts back in bewilderment but also in hopes it'd give him some sort of insight into the specifics of their discussion. "Sometimes we have to experience the outcomes of our decisions to truly see the rewards and consequences of them." Though whispered, he hears the gravity his mother speaks and knows he is the topic of their quiet conversation.

Zelena pulls away completely from the hug, directly gazing at Miss Moskowitz. "If there is no turning back the clock to amend those losses, how do you right the wrongs?"

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