Chapter 34: Burning Bridges

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Zelena's POV

My hand swats the air in front of me in hopes it'd break up the intense staring Miguel and Demetri are partaking in as we stand in the open space of the school's entry way, waiting for the other half of our group. "Don't you two have better things to do?" I inquire, fearful they'd see through the unprofessionally done foundation application I'd rushed through this morning to hide the damage Tory did.

"Like what?" Demetri's sass is tossed my way with a side of his narrowing eyes like he's examining me more closely than before.

I turn my head, glancing around the students gathered unceremoniously around any open space surrounding us like I am actually searching for someone. My eyes then return to Demetri's awaiting brown ones. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe like asking Yasmine on a real date instead of having random make out sessions in dark parts of the halls?"

He shifts his AP U.S, History  textbook from his left arm to his right arm, finally removing his eyes from my face. "And why would I do that?"

If it wouldn't draw his attention back to me so soon, I would openly 'aw' at the bashfulness crossing his features as he entertains the idea. "Well obviously she is into you." His eyes shoot back up to my face from dazing into the eyes of the monument plastered on the cover of his textbook. Miguel even jerks his head to meet my eyes in confusion at my statement. I scoff, "Both of you are really that daft?"

"I don't think you're one to be talking about daft." Miguel mimics my word choice in the worst possible mock of a British accent and extremely straightened posture. He even swirls his right wrist around like he's wielding a wand. My eyes roll and I inherit half the mind to smack him for his mockery of me, but then he elaborates. "You and Hawk have been blindly in love with each other for however long and neither one knew about the other's feelings until recently. Who's daft now?"

My right hand gestures to the space between them, swiping left and right to be abundantly clear. "You two." My head tilts back in aggravation as the pair continue to stare at me with expectancy of a further explanation. I sharply exhale before returning my head to its original position to stare directly at them. "Yasmine used to be a bitch. She was never someone who went around and made out with every person she could."

"You mean a slut." Miguel pipes up.

I wince at the word, pressing my lips together and shaking my head. "Let's not use that word."

"But that's the word."

"But it's used so loosely for the wrong things." I argue with Miguel. Demetri clears his throat, capturing both of our attentions and drawing them back to the original conversation. "Right. Sorry." I glance back to Miguel with narrowed eyes drawing out, "Anyway." I then stare directly at Demetri, "Yasmine doesn't just kiss whoever whenever. If she's making out with you, even if in unconventional, private places, every chance she gets- she likes you." He looks like he's debating it internally, his eyes switching between places like he's making calculations. I just can't help myself from saying, "Besides, she made it openly clear to everyone that she already loves a certain big assest of yours."

Miguel's eyes widen before he bursts into spontaneous laughter that gathers the eyes of fellow peers. Dem's eyes dart to me as his entire face immediately gains red undertones. "I told you to never mention that again." He hisses under his breath so it doesn't drift to the suddenly more nosey outside groups intently listening for the cause of Miguel's combustion.

I titter at the attempt of threat in his tone, watching as he stalks toward me. But suddenly, even without blinking, his tall frame shortens and the rectangular shape of his body, curves out. Tory is moving toward me and my entire body freezes. Trying to remind myself where I am and that Tory literally can not step foot in this school ever again, I force a chuckle out of my lips and outstretch my arms to lightly shove the advancing figure back. I blink a few times and Demetri is standing across from me once more instead of Tory.

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