Untitled Story Part

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Name: Lucy Okumura

Age: 16

DOB: 21st August 1999

Occupation: Exorcist

Crush: Shiki (oc)

Appearance: Has really light pink hair down to her waist. She ties it up for class. She wears a school shirt and tie with a light blue skirt. She doesn't wear much makeup but does sometimes. Her eyes are a shiny emerald colour and she has really long eye lashes. She wears high knee converse boots that are a light purple colour.

Likes: Summoning demons, doing exorcisms, playing pranks, staying up all night, swimming, cooking, gymnastics, stalking Shiki, fighting and scaring people by saying there is a ghost and writing stories.

Dislikes: Her brothers can be annoying, her teachers, homework, when other guys ask her out, being left out, being rushed for school, people that can only hang in groups.

Friends: Estelle (OC), Kyoko Hanakee (OC) and sheimi iniyami

Personality: Lucy is nice but she can get aggressive because of her anger issues. She is strong that's the problem with her and her issues. She is really fun but when someone is sad she becomes sad. She would try to help them be happy. She would never skip class unless it was neccesary. When someone does something that she doesn't like she gets mad and would go mental.

Favourite colour: light blue.

Favourite animal: Wolf (she also likes cats)

Favourite food: She likes anything sweet such as cupcakes or sweets.

Favourite drink: Coke or lemonade.

Hobbies: Writing books, playing with her cat, hosting parties (She loves them), going into town with her friends, cooking with Rin and going on her phone.

Status: Single (Shikis mine!~ Lucy)

Instagram: lucyokumura

Favourite song: Teenagers MCR

Favourite type of chocolate: white or milk. She hates dark chocolate.

Favourite electrical device: Her Xbox or her iphone.

Worst colour: Army green (I'm not being offensive to the army BTW).

Worst animal: Rat

Worst song: Elastic heart Sia.

Worst food: Brustle sprouts and liquorish and Turkish delight.

Allergies: Nuts.

Favourite fruit: Strawberries and apples.

Favourite hair colour: Light pink.

Favourite type of cat: Norwiegen forest cat (Tortie and white).

Signed: Lucy Okumura

Print: Lucy Okumura

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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