4.0 Hate.

695 21 0

I watched with a blank expression as stuck needles into my arms and tapped my legs and feet's in all different type of ways even stuck a needle in the bottom of my foot but I felt nothing.

So I showed nothing.

They enentually got me in the hospital and dragged me to a hospital room.

And hooked me to another IV I hiss in pain when they did and answered all there annoying questions like.

When was your last period?

"Last week".

Has this happened before?

"Let me think... NO".

Have you had anal sex?

I look at doctor giving him a scornfull look. "No"

"We might need to do more test"...

I groan.

I hated stupid ass doctors.


Those stupid rubber gloves.

All of this shit.

I just wanted Tori and Ian.

At this moment.

That's all I wanted.


This sad?

I don't know does it sound sad?

But I don't know how to write sad.

Just pissed off.

Oh well.



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