0.2 appointment

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I sigh and sit next to her on a stool and rubbed her back

"doctors appointment"? I asked looking into her eyes , she nods

"it will be fine...ill go with you" I said looking into her eyes

"babe I know your going" she said strictly

"im just scared ...it my first chemo" she said looking down at her hands fumbling with her pink nail polish

"look ...I know...but ill be there the who time" I said smiling a little , then she rolls her eyes slapping my hands off

"oh my fucking god jade ...I know you'll be there ...I just don't want to lose my hair, jade sometimes you  can be so inconsiderate" she said while mumbling the last part but i could still hear it

"how am I inconsiderate" i  said kinda of loud and pissed off

"you just are ...you know what your not supportive at all" she said looking into my eyes , right then and there my hear broke but like always it just powered my anger

"how am I not supportive"! I screamed

"jade just leave me alone for awhile" tori said putting her head in her hands

"fine" I growl slamming the door of our house , I walk to my car and turn around when I hear the front door , I turn to see tori with a regretful face but I just got in the car

"my appointment is at 11 am" tori yelled before I started the car and drove to my special place...yes tori knows were about it but she wouldn't dare come while im mad , that's road tori knows not to drive onto , I arrive at my destination and stop I get out and walked up to tree tracing my finger over tori and I forever sighn as cliche and totally out of my charcter as I sounds ...but yeah we carved our names into a tree , rubbing my face in frustration and stress , pulling my still died black hair behind my ear , I sit down ,leaning on the tree , I go into my back pocket of my black skinny jeans and pulled out my black pear phone ...if you haven't noticed I like black , anyway to see I had 7 texts from tori and 2 missed calls

°jade im sorry° 10: 46 am

°babe im sorry° 10:52 am

°please text back° 10:55 am

°your gonna miss it° 10:56 am

°you promised jade° 10:57 am

°were are you ?° 10:58 am

'shit' I cursed in my head and jumped up and ran to my truck , I start and quickly drove to the hospital , I get there and ran into the chemo treatment ward witch by the way was on the 7th floor , I sign in and check to see what room she was in , I walk in to see her sitting in big chair with her head in her hands her covering her whole face

"hey" I said quietly looking at her , she looks up to my voice and smiles a little knowing the voice belonged to me , she pats the chair next to her and slowly sit down the noise of combat boots hitting the hospital floor was squeaky , I sit down everything was silent.


this girl would be happy if you voted and commented and followed her that will make this gal happy ...anyway that was chap 2 , next chap soon.

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