☆ Chapter 25: Kakashi Has a Crush! ☆

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☆ 3rd person perspective ☆

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☆ 3rd person perspective ☆

It has almost been a week since those people kidnapped you. Since the mission took about 3-4 days you had a break for about 3-4 days also, which was nice. You didn't have any plans for today or for the rest of the 3-4 days so you just deicide to hangout with Rin since she hasn't had any plans either. Like, what were you supposed to do for about 3-4 days without missions?

You woke up and got dressed as usual you head downstairs and asked your parents if you could hangout with Rin, and of course they said "yes" so you went your way to pick up Rin.

A few moments later you arrived at her house and knocked on her door, she opened and you both went together.

"So, (Name), how's life after getting kidnapped for like two times?". Rin asked looking at you, "Well, weird! I keep getting kidnapped for no reason! Also I'm glad Kaito found someone else." you say thinking about Kaito and Yumura, while walking with her, she giggled. "Well, that is true. Say, do you know who he likes now?" Rin asked looking in front,"Nope, not a clue." you shrugged, pretending like you didn't know. "Oh well, I wonder what are the boys doing? I mean we have nothing else to do for these 3-4 days." she says as she stops in front of a food shop to grab some dango and go to the training place, as you guys always do. "You do have a good point." you answered as you both walk in the shop.

"Hello, what can I get you two ladies?" the sweet shop owner asked, "Dango please!" Rin said with a smile, "Here you go." The shop owner said while giving her the pack of dango, "Thank you!" You both say while Rin was paying.

☆ At the training grounds ☆

You both sat under a tree like you two were having a picnic. It was very peacful indeed. Birds chirping and well everything. Just the thought of summer. Summer wasn't really the best season because well... its normally a bit too hot.

☆ End of POV ☆

☆ Obito POV ☆

I was on top of the hokage heads looking from above, 'Ugh! I'm bored! What am I supposed to do if there is nothing to do?!' I thought to myself. 'Huh? Is that, y/n and Rin?' I look at the two with my binoculars that were beside me, I use them for spying on people, but not at the hot springs that would be a bad idea. 'Should I ask if l could hangout with them also?' I shook my head. 'No! Maybe I shouldn't disturb them!' then I looked again and saw Bakakashi. The perfect target. 'Bakakashi! Maybe I should go to him.' I say to myself as I jump from house to house just to get to him.

I reached him "What do you need Obito?" he casually said, "I just came up to you because I was bored." I admitted, "Also were is that Guy, guy you're always with?" I asked, "He's on a mission so he's not here." he said looking at me, "Well, let's walk. 'Kay?" I say looking at him, "Yeah, yeah, okay." he started to walk away, "Hey! Bakakashi! Wait for me!" I ran after him, "My name isn't "Bakakashi" you idiot!" he shouted, "Well I don't care!" I shouted back.

☆ A few moments later ☆

There was silence between us, 'I wonder though, does he like (Name)?' I looked at Bakakashi, "What're you looking at?" he stared back "I was wondering if you liked (Name)." I simply stated. When I mentioned (Name) he looked away in a split second, 'wait why did he-' I hesitated for a second.

...wait a moment

I finally knew it, I grabbed him and ran into the woods so no one can hear us or see us. I then smirked and shouted "YOU LIKE (NAME)!" I then saw him go red, "NO I DON'T YOU IDIOT!" he shouted at me, "Kakashi likes (Name), Kakashi likes (Name)-" I stopped singing, "wait that doesn't sound right... KAKASHI LOVES Y/N!" I mocked, "OH SHUT UP YOU IDIOT, I DON'T!" Kakashi punched me on the head, "HEY!" I rubbed my head, "THEN SHUT IT!" He looked away, and I had a cheeky smirk on my face. I placed my hand on Kakashi's shoulder and said "Don't worry, I'll be your wingman. I got you dude." I gave him a grin and a thumbs up. "You can be so dumb and annoying sometimes." he said looking at me "But this is the only time I'm trusting you." he said with a sweatdrop,"HEY!" I yelled at him. "I'm not THAT bad, Bakakashi." I say.

☆ End of POV ☆

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