☆ Chapter 22: Kaito or Kakashi? Part 2 ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

Kakashi pulled me by the arm, as we entered the castle. I really have forgotten how big this guys castle was. It's been about a year I seen him to be honest. Then I heard some footsteps to my side and see Kaito. 'How did he catch up so quickly?' I asked myself as he opened his mouth to speak.

"So, since last time you didn't really get to stay at my castle and view the inside yet, how about a tour?" He asked the five of us, as we all stoped and stand in one of the corridors. "Well, I mean he isn't wrong, right?" Obito asked, "I guess Obito is right." Rin agreed. "Well I guess we could kill some time, I mean it is still morning." My dad shrugged, "Yeah." I also agreed and Kakashi just nods. "Great! Lets start then." Kaito replied leading us to different paths of "his castle".

☆ Time skip after the tour was done ☆

After the tour around the castle I almost got lost. It was so big like I was some kind of mouse trying to find it's way out of there.

After we found our rooms I wanted to just lay on one of the beds in one of the rooms, but then I felt a hand grab my arm. 'What now? I'm so tired I could barely stand' I turn around and see Kaito grabbing my wrist "You're coming with me." Then everyone's eyes widen. "HAH? What? I-? Why?" I asked, "It's because..." then he paused for a moment, "It's because I want to talk to you," Kaito then said. "About what hm?" I asked just wanting to say 'About what hoe? Are you just going to flirt with me? Like really?' Kaito then just pulls me away from the others.

☆ Time skip in his room ☆

When we got to his room I never imagined that I'm really looking at a bed right now. I then yeeted myself on the bed and wanted to sleep but then Kaito jumped on top of me and pinned me down on the bed with his hands on my wrists. I was even more shocked as he kissed me. My eyes widen. 'BITCH ASS WHAT THE FOCK.' I let go of his grasp and punched him in the face, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR MOTHERFUCKER?!" I yell at him, "What? I just wanted to take a closer look at you face~" he smirked, "Ew, more like "kiss" me." I then went to the bathroom and changed.

☆ The next day ☆

I felt something around my waist and saw Kaito's arm 'WHAT THE FUCK- SHOULDN'T HE BE A FUCKING GENTLE MAN? NOT A FUCKING PERVERT?!' I slapped him off of me and punched him hard like what I did to that tree once.

☆ Flashback ☆

You: *Punching tree*
Minato (dad): *shook*
Kushina (mom): *proud*

☆ End of Flashback ☆

"Ow! Hey!" Kaito said, rubbing his cheek, "That's what you get you fucki-" Then I realized my dad was right in front of me and well everyone too, "So, what were you going to say (Name)?" My dad asked very concerned "Oh! Eheh nothing! Nothing at all!" I looked away a bit till I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Kakashi, "Hey, were you going to call him a pervert? Something like that?" He asked, I whispered, "How'd you know?!" "He did do something a pervert would do anyway." Kakashi said.

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