☆ Chapter 23: Kaito or Kakashi? Part 3 ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

After that, it was an awkward silence, until my dad broke the silence. "So, your majesty, your father said that you need to pick someone for the ball I suppose." Kaito then looked at my dad "Why of course he did, also please don't be too formal Mr. Namikaze." Katio said with a smile. "If I got to choose who it was, I would choose," Kaito looked around the room, his eyes landed on me. Shit- I have a bad feeling about this. "Of course, (Name)." He smiled at that statment. "Hang on there sir, what did you say?" Rin asked looking at Kaito, "What's the matter?" He answered back, "Look here bitch, no one, I mean no one, chooses my bestie as their "date"." She looked angry, "Well why?" Kaito crossed his arms. "It's because she belongs to someone else." She looked at him strictly while me, Kakashi, Obito, and my dad were watching in silence till Obito whispered "Anyone want popcorn?" he joked "Sure I guess." I joked with him, while Kakashi made a little "tch" and my dad just looked at us like we are serious.

(Short Minato POV: What the fuck.. no I'm not letting his majesty date my precious daughter. I'm sorry your majesty but stay away from my daughter. You can't have her sorry.)

I looked at dad, he doesn't look so good. He looked like he wanted to beat someone up. Eh, who cares?

☆ After some arguing between Rin and Kaito ☆

"So, who won?" Obito asked, I nudged him in the shoulder "Really dude?" I say with a sweatdrop. "Says the one who likes Kakashi," he whispered in my ear, "YO YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME THAT!" I blushed "What?" Me and Obito looked at Kakashi, "What did he tell you?" He asked looking at me and Obito, "Well she was talking about how she liked y-" "YELLOW!" I cut him off "Yellow? I didn't know you liked yellow (Name)." Me and Obito went silent "She meant this lemon in my hand, I mean it is yellow." Kakashi looked at dad, 'good save dad... Wait where did he get that?!' I say shockingly. "You two are just going to stare at that lemon forever or what?" We all looked at Rin.

"Um, well anyways, Kaito did you know that tonight your partner is going to be my..." My dad went silent, 'why does he look so irritated?' we all look at him silently, "I swear if you ever lay a finger on her because she has a dress on that might be showy I swear I'm going to kill you. I do not care if you're royalty young man." he said, "Dad clam down... Its fine." I say as I put my right hand on his shoulder. Then I felt some hands on my shoulders. It was Kaito.


"You little... SON OF A BITCH." My dad yelled and couldn't handle it anymore. Obito, Rin and Kakashi were holding him back. "LET ME AT HIM!" My dad kept shouting. "Look here." I turned my head to Kaito. I then slapped him in the face making him fly.

*silence again*

"YOU HEARD MY DAD YOU!" I yelled at him and heard him say "ow" from afar. I heard my dad chuckle from behind. "That's my girl." then when he said that everyone sweatdroped even me. I didn't bother saying sorry after he stole my first kiss. Its like it was meant to happen, like someone would write about how the girl that had no interest in the guy that had interest in her kiss on purpose, or accidentally. Somewhat like story books.

(Added a bit of the so called "breaking the fourth wall". *chuckle* -Weird)

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