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Go to the field asap, Normani commanded, and then, there was the dial tone.

Camila huffed, was she serious?

That’s all, just ‘go to the field asap’ and then nothing else?

She hadn’t known what to expect when she saw Normani's name flashing on her phone, but it definitely wasn’t, ‘go to the field asap’.

Why would she need to go to the field and what could be that important?

Camila decided that she didn’t really want to deal with Normani's wrath if she didn’t do as told, though, so she slipped on a jacket and some shoes, calling out to tell her mom that she’d be back in a bit.

She had no idea what to expect when she got there, and walked slowly, enjoying how the wind blew across her face.

Her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head, and it made her look younger, more innocent.

She stopped at a gas station to grab a pack of cigarettes, and leaned against the wall, lighting one up.

No, she wasn’t procrastinated…she just…needed a smoke?

Okay, she was definitely procrastinating, not wanting to deal with Normani's shit.

Eventually, though, the death stick was nothing but ashes and she had to keep walking.

She lit up another one along the way, just for good measure.

By the time she was rounding the corner to the field her hands were itching for a third smoke and her feet were practically dragging.

She kind of expected some team get together or some shit, but when she looked out at the field she could safely say this was the last thing she would expect.

She certainly didn’t even know why Normani had sent her, surely this was categorized as her forte.

But sure enough- and Camila blinked enough times to make sure she wasn’t just imagining it- there she was.

Camila halted in her tracks, still unseen.

She could leave without being noticed, easily.

But instead, she decided to watch, and she scooted a little closer to the edge of the track that surrounded the field.

Lauren was just standing in the middle of the field, a ball by her feet, but not close enough for Lauren to touch without taking a few steps.

And that was all she was doing- just standing.

She was facing the ball, though, so there was that.

From where Camila was standing, it looked as if Lauren's eyes were closed, so she couldn’t be planning on doing anything with the ball.

But then, the long-haired girls legs were propelling her thick body forward, and Lauren was kicking the ball, and wow.


Lauren had been standing about five feet from the mid-way mark on the field, and she booted the ball all the way into the back of the net, which was no easy feat.

Why the fuck was Lauren a goalie when she could do that?

Camila was shocked, to say the least, and even more impressed with the senior Captain.

Lauren didn’t seem too impressed, though, and had gone back to standing like a bronze statue.

She let out a shout though, soon enough, and collapsed on the field, crying out.

Camila wasn’t sure if she was in pain, or what, but she didn’t even realize she had started sprinting toward the older lady until Lauren was practically right in front of her and she could hear her sobs.

It was instinct, pulling Lauren into her arms, and for once, Lauren didn’t push her away, instead, she sunk into Camila's embrace.

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s going to all be okay,” Camila soothed, tangling her  fingers through Laurens thick long locks.

Sh pressed her lips to Lauren's forehead.

It was a complete shock when Lauren looked up at the action, her eyes bloodshot and red, but still beautifully vibrant.

It was even more of a shock when she whispered, “You deserve so much better, but I can’t keep pushing you away.”

And it was most shocking when Camila surged forward, catching Lauren's lips in a sweet kiss before whispering, “And I don’t want you to keep pushing me away.”


Camila wasn’t sure what to even say when Lauren told her that she thought Camila deserved better.

In her mind, Lauren was out of her reach, unattainable, and for Lauren to think that she wasn’t good enough for Camila was a bit mind-boggling.


 Lauren was still kissing her though, so that was one thing.

A plus for sure.

Camila wasn’t complaining.


Lauren received a call from the MSL.

They wanted her to come to boot camp and tryouts for the professional team picks.

Lauren accepted, of course.


Camila wasn’t sure how to feel about Lauren possibly becoming a professional soccer player.

Did that mean she'd be dating a pro?


Lauren's last year of high school hadn’t ended, though, so they had some time to figure it out.

As Lauren put it, they had all the time in the world to figure it out because she wanted Camila for as long as Camila wanted her.

Camila wanted Lauren forever, as well.

So, she guessed they were pretty much forever.


Camila was voted Captain for the team next year.


Camila really didn’t want anything but Lauren.


It was worth the begging, but seeing Lauren in her letterman jacket fully made up for the countless cookie eating she had to administer in order to get Lauren to wear it.


 And when they won the Championship game the next season, Lauren was still wearing her letterman- and her professional team’s jersey underneath- cheering Camila on and promising victory sex later- but only after Camila showered, that was.



I hope you guys understand 'cookie eating'

Of course im gonna make a sequel..

You guys liked it?

Now I need a name for the sequel... Comment?

Bye loves! Xoxo

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