Chapter Two

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"If you just practice a little more and do a couple hours extra work every day, you'll be the best one."

A couple extra hours, a couple extra steps, a little more practice, Camila thought, pushing herself to run a little faster. Her steps clunked against the track lightly, a pitter patter rhythm as her lungs burned and muscles screamed at her to slow down.

She couldn't, though, slow down that is, because she still had another three laps.

Camila turned her music up louder, praying that the heavy bass would give her the motivation she needed to finish off the mile.

Another lap went by, and she could feel her throat tightening, lungs being filled with the barest amounts of oxygen needed as she wheezed in breath after breath.

A couple extra hours, a couple extra steps, a little more practice, she thought again, her mothers words ringing through her mind, then, she'll be the best.

She knew she would have to prove himself even more than she had to at her old school because this was a new team, she was a new player, and this was one of the best soccer teams in the state.

It only made her feel the need to run more, train harder, and put even more hours into training.

Camila could practically feel the weight of that pressure weighing down on her shoulders, making her steps heavier and the last lap of the mile seem even more difficult, but she wouldn't succumb because she wanted to do this, she needed to do this.

And the first step would be making the team.

She had gotten through her first week of school relatively easily, making sure to sign up for the soccer tryouts on the first day after she heard the announcement on the loud speaker during first period.

Her name was the twenty-first one and she had signed up during lunch time, making her wonder just how many people were trying out and just how hard it would be to make the team.

She knew the school was much larger than her old one, but she wasn't sure how big, yet.

Regardless, she came an hour early to tryouts, giving herself proper time to run two miles before stretching and doing a couple ball control exercises.

She noticed a long-haired girl running around the track when she started stretching and vaguely wondered why the girl looked so familiar, but let the thought go when she started to do little ball touching exercises.

Feeling the familiar weight of the ball under her feet, she started off simply and eventually made the exercises more complex.

She was working on a particularly hard exercise and she looked up to see if she could do it without watching, which ended up being a mistake because the moment she looked up she was flashed with a particularly pale, sculpted physique and she immediately lost control, the ball spinning wildly from between her legs as she fell face first onto the turf.

"Whoa, dude, you okay?" A voice called out, and Camila flushed deep red as she stood, brushing little pieces of tire off of her body. The voice belonged to the person who distracted Camila, and even up close she was unable to take her eyes off of the bare, pale skin of the shirtless girl, who had on a sports bra, walking closer every second.

She was a little shocked and very much speechless in that moment because soon enough the girl was right in front of her and she realized it was the long-haired girl who had been running.

And yes, it was fairly obvious that she had been running, if the flush on her face was any indicator, or the little droplets of sweat running down her sculpted abs...

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