See Me

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OmniscientSame night

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Same night

"Damn bitch hold on." Onika laughed as Beyoncé dragged her into the little bedroom she had set up on the second floor of Foreigner.

"What you mean hold on? Ain't no hold on, I missed you." She sat at the edge of the bed, forcing Onika to stand between her legs.

"I missed you too Bey." Her arms rested on Beys shoulders as she smiled down at her. "I see you back to your hoeing." It was no other way to put it.

"What you mean?"

"Beyoncé you know what I mean. You been fucking all type of bitches. I know how you get. You're a hoe, I don't like that. You need to get tested." Onika shrugged as she voiced her opinion. She was letting Beyoncé know the truth.

"I do every month and I'm not a hoe. I just do what I do..."

"..And what you do is be a hoe." She finished Beyoncé sentence. "Whatever." She looked up at Onika. Instantly remember why they haven't been talking. "I'm sorry Nika." She sighed. She hated what she did, she knew it wasn't even a big deal to begin with and she had no reason to hit her.

"For what?" Onika was confused until she looked down at Bey, the sad expression already gave it away. She pushed Bey back some and straddled her lap. She tried to rest her hands on Onikas ass but she took Beys hands and softly guided them upward onto her back.

She sighed but wrapped her arms around Onikas waist. "Don't worry about that Bey. I forgave you. As long as it doesn't happen again, we're okay, Besides I'm over it."

"That doesn't mean what I did was okay."

"Because it wasn't but it's the past. Keep it in the past Bey." She nodded. She was happy to be back in Onikas arms, just to have her near.

"Your ass keeps getting fatter and fatter." She blurted out, she didn't even mean to. Onika busted out laughing with her ugly ass cackle that Beyoncé loved. She couldn't help but smile at how happy Onika was looking. She really was glowing.

"This shit been fat!" She twerked some on Beys lap. She couldn't help herself anymore, she brought her hands down to Onikas ass slapping and gripping it as it jiggles in her hand.

"THEY UP THERE FUCKING! SO WHY CANT WE?!" Lauren screams as she slobbishly wrapped her arm around Robyns neck. "Shhh. Give me this." She took her drink out of Lauren's hand, setting it down as she picked her up by her butt. She guided them up into the room where she knew Onika was. "You're just as bad as Onika with the liquor."

"Shut up!" She slurred out.

When Robyn opened the door she let Lauren on her feet seeing that Beyoncé and Onika wasn't in there fucking. "ONIKA BABY HIIII!" Lauren cheesed as she sloppily ran towards Onika jumping on her so the both of them fell back onto the bed.

"You got my bitch drunk?" Onika looked over at Robyn as Beyoncé leaned up from under them. She wasn't mad that she was getting squished by Lauren and Onika because all she could think about was two bad ass bitches on top of her.

"I ain't do shit." Robyn closed the door behind her, basically dragging Bey from under them. Beyoncé was taking her time because she liked the view.

"Move bitch." Rob continued pulling her until her back hit the floor. Beyoncé mugged her, getting up to punch her in the arm. Onika watched them two go back and forth throwing kitty punching at each other before the ended up on the floor play fighting. Watching it, you wouldn't think they were playing.

Lauren looked up at Onika before speaking "Letsss have a foursom-"

"NO!" Robyn screamed from the floor. They couldn't even see her. "WHY NOT!?" Beyoncé yelled back. "BITCH SHUT UP!" Robyn voiced before they got right back to their wrestling then Onika heard two bangs. "BITCH!"

"Ouch!" Robyn yelled. "Bitch you just hit my fucking head!" You could see Robyns head pop up from the side of the bed. "Fuck your head bitch. You just punched me in my fucking shit!" Then Beyoncés head popped up. Lauren was just knocked out sleep.

Onika couldn't help but shake her head. "Am I the only decent bitch around here?" She asked, mostly to herself as she got up and walked over to Beyoncé and Robyn. "Get yall childish asses up. My girl half dead in that bed and y'all over here fighting like fucking kids." She popped both of them upside the head.

"yAll oVEr heRE fiGHtiNg liKe KiDs." They both mumbled mocking her as they stood up rubbing the side of their crown. Onika slowly turned back to them with a stern face.

"What was said?" She voiced as she stared them down as they tried to avoid eye contact.


"That's what I thought." Onika turned back to Lauren as she chuckled.

Rip to another queen

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Rip to another queen.

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