Chapter 3:Tales Of Old

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(Leahanduil's twin daggers)

Chapter 3:Tales Of Old

The sky began to slowly turn from light blue into a midnight purple. The group had been walking all day and they were growing tiresome. As they were walking the pregnant woman, Lori, tripped over an upturned root she hadn't seen in the dark. In lightning speed, Leah grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her up before she fell on her swollen belly. "Mom! Are you okay?" Her son frantically asked. Rick jogged over, pulling Leah out of the way to see his wife.

Ornik glared at the man for pushing the elf, but said nothing. "I'm fine, Carl." She answered, looking past her husband to look at the red head. The pregnant woman pushed pasted her husband and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Thank you so much, sweetheart. If you hadn't of caught me, I think my baby would be gone." Lori leaned down and wrapped her arms around her. Leah hugged back, smiling. "No need to thank me. It was just pure instinct." She answered.

Rick looked over at her, nodding in thanks. She nodded back and turned towards the rest of the group. Ornik looked up at her and smiled before following the rest of the group. Carl ran over and looked up at her past his shaggy brown hair and large sheriff hat. "Thanks for, you know, helping my mom." He almost whispered, only heard by Leah's elf ears. "Again, no need to thank me." She smiled.

"Are you really an elf?" He asked like a young child about to be told a story. Leah nodded and kept walking, her right hand gripping her bow. "Indeed." She answered. "What's it like being an elf?" Carl asked, brushing his brown hair from his blue eyes. "Normal, I suppose." Leah said, looking down at the boy. "What are elves like?" He inquired, meeting her eyes. They looked in each other's eyes for a few seconds before Leah stuttered, "Elegant, graceful, strong. We are immortal, but can be killed just as a human can. We do not age. Elves do not sleep. We have our own, native language. Elves are made to be beautiful, but have inhuman speed and strength."

Carl's mouth dropped open in amazement. "If you don't age, how old are you?" Leah chuckled lightly, "Only fourteen. Merely an infant in the eyes of another elf. A much older elf." She answered, looking back down at him. "I'm only thirteen." He said blankly. "You will always grow, little one." The she-elf said, turning and placing a pale hand on his shoulder. Carl smiled up at her before they walked with the group. Leah watched the bowman, Daryl, closely. She cringed and turned away from him when he pointed his crossbow at a tree and shot a squirrel.

After he retrieved his prize, they began walking again. "We camp here." Rick announced, dropping the pack he was carrying on the ground. Leah followed Ornik into the small clearing where Rick was and laid her pack beside the dwarf's. She helped Lori sit down on a moss covered log and searched the bushes for edible berries. She picked some edible blueberries and red raspberries before going back to the group. "I found some fruit." She said, dropping them in a bowl that Beth offered.

Leah took the bowl and picked a few herbs out of the ground. She cleaned them with a few drops of water before tearing the herbs apart into tiny shreds. She dropped them into the bowl and mashed them together with a spoon Beth gave her. Once it was in a pastey form, Leah handed the bowl back to Lori. "It's herbs and fruit. It helps heal wounds on the inside and will make you feel stronger." She informed.

Beth stuck her finger in the bowl and took a bit, bringing the paste to her lips. She licked it off of her finger, nodding in approval. The whole group repeated what Beth did until there was no more. "That was very good, Leah." Carol said, smiling at her lightly, sadness in her eyes. The she-elf smiled, nodding to the older woman with warm kindness in her greenish eyes. "Thank you, mellon nîn." She said quietly. "So, your an elf?" Beth asked, getting a stern look from her father. "I am indeed." She answered. "Can you tell us about them?" Leah nodded.

"Elves are the first race to ever set foot on this world. Then the dwarves. Then humans. Humans became the dominant race amongst the three. They found technology, easier ways of living whilst elves and dwarves hid from them in fear. Elves concealed theirselves in the forests whilst dwarves dwelled in their mountains and caves. Humans killed elves not just because they were better, but because they were jealous. They weren't as beautiful, as skilled, and as strong as elves were. They wanted them gone, so they would be the highest race.

"Then, elves began to dabble in black magic, only to become something called an Orc. It's a totally different form of elf. Discolored skin, ragged teeth, greasy hair. Everybody has their own language. Whilst humans have English, elves have Elvish, and dwarves have Khuzdul, orcs have their speech called Black Speech. It is so foul, only their race knows it. The strongest breed of Orc were the Gundabad orcs. They had their steeds called Wargs. Wolves, only ten times bigger than any one you will ever see.

"The most fearsome Orc was the Pale Orc astride a pure white Warg. His name was Azog the Defiler. He had sworn the wipe out the line of Durin, the bloodline to the King Under The Mountain, Thrain Durin. Thrain was the king of Erebor, the Lonely Mountain that had rivers of gold flowing through it. As his gold pile turn larger and larger, the days began to grow sour. Thrain fell under a disease called Dragonsickness. He was obsessed with his gold and his new prize, the Arkenstone, nicknamed the King's jewel. He refused to give the Silver Gems of Starlight to king Thranduil of Mirkwood, who refused to help Erebor when the dragon Smaug attacked.

"Smaug was a FireDrake from the North who had nothing else on his mind, but gold. He attached Erebor, killing many warriors to claim the mountain. The king's grandson, Thorin, would not let the mountain be taken without a fight. He went to the Mines of Moria to retake the mountain from there when the enemy got there first. The orcs with their leader Azog. As he had sworn to severe the line of Durin, he began by beheading the king. Running on rage, Thorin battled the Gundabad Orc, only to have his sword and shield knocked from his grip. Only wielding an oaken branch as a shield, he blocked all of the enemy's blows, able to slice off Azog's arm with a spare sword he had found. Thus the name Thorin Oakenshield came in to play.

"With Azog know knowing that the line of Durin wouldn't be so easily broken, his comrades dragged him away for the rest of the battle to rage on. Thorin commanded the rest of the dwarven army to fight like they hadn't before. The enemy was defeated, only a few dwarf warriors spared." Leah finished. "What happened next?" Glenn urged, scooting closer. "We can continue this another time. Get some rest." Rick said, throwing everybody a blanket. Leah stomped out the fire and sat up against a tree. "I'm glad you remembered all of the tales and stories of my ancestors." Ornik said, sitting beside her.

"How could I not? I've always been fascinated by dwarves. Especially Thorin and the company." Leah said, smiling at the dwarf. "Your grandmother of many centuries ago was Tauriel, Captain of Mirkwood." Ornik informed. The she-elf looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" The dwarf nodded. "Your daggers are actually her's. Past down from generation to generation." She looked at her daggers in amazement. "Now rest. Do not let it poison your mind and let you get caught of guard." Leah nodded and laid down beside Ornik.

"Now I see why I walk in starlight."


I really hope you guys like this chapter and how Leah is related to Tauriel from The Hobbit. Anyways, enjoy!

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