A call From the Mayor

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     We were all just sitting in the living room until I heard the house phone ring. Getting up from the spot I had in the couch fort so I could pick up the phone, "while I'm up do you want anything." I heard a sandwich and drinks as I picked up the phone. "Hello," "ah is this Miss. [L/N]," My eyes widened as I recognized the voice on the other end of the phone. "Oh Mr. Mayor, what did I do to receive this call," "We didn't do it." the boys yell in the background as I hear the mayor chuckle, probably from hearing the boys, on the other side of the phone.

     "Well, a little birdy told me that the 'Former' villain trio known as the RowdyRuff Boys saved a handful of people the other day and wanted to talk to the person in charge of this wonderful change. I would also like to discuss with you an opportunity that you may be interested in," The mayor said in his forever cheery voice. Furrowing my brow in confusion as the boys peek their heads out of their fort. "An opportunity? What kind of opportunity," this caught the three boys' attention as they flew over to me to hear the rest of the conversation. "Well I was wondering if you thought about, I don't know, making the heroes. The girls can't always be there to save the city and no offense to them or anything but having to rebuild the city almost every day is troubling and not to mention the coast. With this latest fight the damage, that your boys helped rebuild, was less severe and I would love to talk to you more about this in person."

     We just stood there speechless processing the information given to us. " Um, could you hold on for just a minute?" "but of course, this must be a lot to take in." I turned to look at the boys who were just as shocked. "What do you guys think?" "it could be fun,"   "yeah right no way are we working with those losers." While they seem to come to a crossroads not knowing what to do, "you would only be heroes when the PowerPuffs aren't able to be, not to mention if you do this we could possibly shove it into that smug professor and the girl's face." with that we all came to an agreement.

      "Um, are you still their Mayor?" "Yes, so have you thought of an answer," he cheerfully said. "Yes, and the four of us would love to talk about this more in person." "splendid! I will have my secretary call you when we can set up a date to meet and talk over things." With that he hung up, 'talk about a sudden turn of events,' the boys flew to the fort, probably to talk about what had just happened, as I went and got the snacks.

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