How You Adopted Them.

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Butch Talking

Boomer Talking

Brick Talking

All Three


     The day was peaceful and the light rain was calming after a long day at work. As I left the building, while putting my ID in my purse, I managed to get to my car as the rain started to pour down harder. But on my way to my small fixer-upper house, my phone started to ring.

     As I answer the phone I hear commotion on the other line before the caller talks. "Hello? [Y/N]? Are you there?" I realize that it was my friend, Maggie, who fosters kids, but frown soon after as I hear kids crying in the background and Maggie screaming her head off. "Is everything okay?" I say putting some emphasis on the okay because Maggie was wonderful with kids even the troubled ones. "I need your help with some trouble kids." "what do you mean?" I asked while I started to head over to her house. "I'll let you know when you get here." With that being said she hung up on me, leaving me to my thoughts on the drive to her house.


     As soon as I arrived at her house I notice that there is paint on the window and toys flying through the air. Once I knocked on the door Maggie immediately dragged me inside to the far side of the house. "You wanted kids right?" Completely confused I answer, "someday, what brought this up? and does it have anything to do with the kids acting out?" "Yes and no, the kids are acting out because of the three new kids that the mayor entrusted me to convert and watch over, But it is too much for me and you are the only one I'm willing to put through this pain and you are the only person I know that will have the patience to deal with them."

     "Thanks?" I question not knowing if it was a compliment or a betrayal of friendship. "From what I am hearing you want me to adopt them to give you a break," I say while she nods vigorously. "Yes, so will you do it?" After a moment of thinking about it, I agreed because she always helps me out and I have a decent enough job. "YES!" Maggie screamed as she dragged me to a new room where three boys were flying around teasing some of the other kids. "BRICK, BUTCH, BOOMER! I have something to tell you!" Maggie practically screamed into the room as the flying boys looked at one another before landing in front of her with some attitude.

     "What?" The one wearing red of the three said with anger and irritation. Maggie then grinned "I found someone willing to adopt you three," "Pffff Yea right," The green one out of the three said then was taken aback when she only grinned wider. "I did find someone, so get your stuff you are leaving today." After that, I followed Maggie to her office to officially adopt the three boys.

     "Okay ad now the RowdyRuff Boys are officially your kids!" Maggie said with a little too much enthusiasm. "What about the adoption fees?"

     "Don't worry [Y/N] I will pay for it since I wrapped you into adopting the three," I just sighed a reply walking out of the room. "I may be 25 but I did want to do this even if I was planning on thinking about it a little before doing anything, but it doesn't matter now." Maggie only nodded while walking towards the front door, happy that the boys were ready but did not like the look on their faces.

     "Well we should probably get going before it starts storming," I say while smiling down at the three boys as I open the front door so they can step onto the porch and head to my car completely unsure of what will happen.

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