Part 3

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"Wake up, Eda," she heard him softly call. As she slowly opened her eyes, his figure came into view. She couldn't stop the smile from spreading on her face.

"So handsome. Let me stay in this dream a few more minutes," Eda told him as she reached her hand to touch his cheek. It was warm, familiar, and...wait a minute?!

"Serkan?!" Eda quickly shot up and knocked her head into his forehead. Serkan had to hold back his yelp of pain. Well, that hurt as he suddenly jumped back. Though he had to admit she was adorable in her state.

"Are you alright, Eda?" A man he didn't recognize moved to kneel down next to Eda. Who the fuck was this guy? Selin didn't tell him about anyone else. And why was this asshole leaning in with such care to touch her forehead?

Serkan didn't understand his reaction, but he cleared his throat to swallow the growl.

"I'm fine, Deniz" said Eda as she slapped the guy away and got up quickly to move to Serkan.

"Serkan, it's you," her voice was breaking again and the tears were welling up in her eyes again. She wrapped both her arms around him and buried her face in his neck and inhaled.

His entire body went still as goosebumps broke out over his skin. Serkan awkwardly wrapped his arms back around her. He couldn't explain what he felt because the overwhelming sense of relief didn't make sense in his mind. "I knew you'd find your way back to me," Eda whispered in his ear.

After Eda had fainted in his arms, he moved her and the rest of his trusted team to the conference room. What surprised him was when a blonde girl named Ceren and Selin's ex Ferit also joined them. He looked around the room; Selin, Engin, Piril, Eda's friends Melo and Ceren, this Deniz character, Ferit, Leila, and weirdly Erdem sat around waiting for the explanation.

Selin cleared her throat which brought both Serkan and Eda out of their daze. Serkan broke away from Eda and went to sit in his chair.

"Let me explain" started Serkan.

It took some time for Serkan and Selin to explain. He kept it brief and basic. After he was found from the accident, he was bedridden for a week or two. He had sustained multiple injuries, including a head injury. His memory was hazy. And the doctor's advised him to stay away until he was better. He could feel Eda's intense gaze the entire time. She had tried to hold his hand at first, but seemed to sense he needed space. Thank gosh.

"Serkan brother, why didn't you call us? And Selin, not that we aren't happy to see you, but you? How" asked Engin?

Selin explained, "Serkan needed me. We've known each other for a long time and I knew what he needed. I know him better than anyone. Artlife could not handle another PR scandal, and we didn't want the company or holding to suffer." Eda flinched as Selin continued. Eda didn't miss the not so subtle dig.

Serkan decided to cut in. "Friends, I made the decision to keep away. I apologize for leaving you in the dark, but can you imagine if this news came out? It would have ruined my image. The company would have suffered. It made sense for things to run here smoothly without the unnecessary emotional burden on everyone while I healed," Serkan stated.

He could feel Eda's gaze burning into him.

"Thank you for all you've done. Now I think it's best we get back to work. Engin, Piril, I'll need you both to get me up to date with all projects. Leila, I'll need all completed project folders and upcoming projects, as well as fiscal reports for the last quarter until now. I'll also need—," Serkan rambled off.

"Everyone leave us," Eda said clearly as she cut off Serkan.

"Leave us, now", she reiterated loudly.


Seriously, who did this girl think she was? Commanding HIS team this way! Cutting HIM off!

"Eda, what do you think you're doing," he asked trying to stay calm.

Eda turned his chair to her. She grabbed his face again. Why is she always grabbing my face, he thought to himself.

Eda looked into his eyes. Searching. Something was wrong. Yes, it was Serkan. It looked like him. It sounded like him. But it didn't feel like him. She couldn't feel his heart like she did normally. He felt so far. Like he was barely breathing.

She knew in her heart this wasn't HER Serkan.

"Serkan, what happened? Hmm?," Eda asked. She held his face afraid he might disappear again. Afraid he wasn't real. Maybe he wasn't real. All her fears came crashing back.

"Serkan, I know you. I know your heart. You are different. What is happening? Serkan, I waited for you. I dreamed of you. I know your soul. Please tell me." Tears were slipping from beneath her lashes.

Serkan could see how visibility upset she was, and he wanted to rip apart whoever hurt her. Except he was the person who brought tears to her eyes.

Well, this is an unexpected development.

His conflicting emotions were causing another migraine. He suddenly felt so tired. How did she even know? 

Serkan quickly calculated his options. He had to remain calm. If this was going to work, he would have to keep a clear head.

He took her hand in his. "Eda, this accident was terrible. More terrible than I spoke of. I gave you and the team the short, easy version. I wanted to spare you from seeing me in so much pain. But I fought my way to get back here and to get back to you. Yes, things have changed. I've changed. I'm different. But the one thing that will never change are my feelings for you. That will never change."

Please believe me, he thought. Let her fall for it. I can't let her know how I really feel, he tried to tell himself. There was a small part of his brain tingling that asked himself who he was lying to. Her or himself. The words flowed out too naturally.

But they were enough because Eda started to relax. She took both his hands and pressed them to her lips. She kissed his knuckles softly. He felt himself become warm as his blood rushed downwards and his face turned red. He felt like a teenager as the tingles almost made him visibly shiver.

Get a fucking grip, Serkan Bolat.

Her voice was so soft and almost childlike, "I'm sorry, my love. I think apart of me is just so afraid you're not real. And then ufff, Selin." Eda looked down. Now she felt embarrassed and stupid.

Serkan laughed and touched her head to smooth her hair. He hadn't even realized he did it until his fingers were running through the silky brown strands.

He pulled away. Hopefully not too quickly. He didn't want her to notice. He just needed her to relax. To trust him. To hopefully sign back over his shares. Soon everything would be back in order. He wanted to breathe out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, one of the doors of the conference room opened.

"Serkan?!" came the shrill voice.

Serkan couldn't keep the shock out of his face as his mom stood in the doorway. "Anne?"

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