Ukwon x reader

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'Okay all I've gotta do is get this job and I'm on my way to becoming a kpop star' "FIGHTING!" You brought you fist down and nodded to yourself... In the middle of the street.

"Mommy is that lady insane?" A little girl asked her mother while pointing at me.

"Shh honey it's not nice to say things like that." The mother whispered to her daughter.

"Heh heh... Uh Oops." You awkwardly walked into the CJ entertainment building and immediately went to the audition desk. "Hello I would like to audition please."

"Ohhh okay just sign here here and here and when you're don with that have a seat over there." The lady at the desk handed you a audition form and you filled it out then took your seat.

You waited patiently for your name to be called and you happily skipped in the room once they did. "Well uh hello there I'm-"

"Hello (Y/N) right? What song will you be performing today?

"Oh Uh right I'll be preforming NalinA by Block B." You hit play on the stereo system and the instrumental track started to play you began to sing and dance to it not missing a single beat. Once the song ended the company's higher ups clapped in amazement.

"That was perfect! Welcome to the company we look forward to you becoming a trainee!" The man excitedly said. "Oh and another thing until we can get you a dorm you'll be sharing one with the band Block B."

"Wha-?! I-I mean thank you very much sir!" You giddily ran out of the office squealing out of excitement. "Y-YES!!! I DID IT!!!! IM GONNA BE A KPOP STAR!!!"


"So this is it Block B's dorm..." You gulped nervously and walked in. "H-hello I'm your guy's n-new room mate!"

"Hmm? Oh hi there you must be (y/n)!" Ukwon said nicely.

"Mmhm n-nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!"

"S-so uh where should I put my stuff?"

"Well there's an extra bed in my room." You blushed as you heard those words.

'Surely im imagining things now way did he just say that.'

"I'll move your stuff there for you." He smiled as he picked up your luggage. Unfortunately for you the zipper on one of your bags opened and panties and bra's fell out.

"GAH!!!!" You were in a rush to pick up everything and cram it back in your bag. "If it's all the same to you oppa I'll move this on my own." You awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah that'll be fine... My room is the last door on the right down the hall." He smiled pointing to it.

"Okay thank you oppa!" You quickly ran to the room and put away your things. A little while later ukwon comes in.

"Got all of your stuff put away?"

"Mmhmm thanks again for letting me sleep in here!"

"No problem how could I let you sleep in another room? One of the other might get you before me." What he just said didn't hit him until 10 seconds of awkward silence passed. "U-um..."

"Uh you Uh... Well um..."

"Pl-please don't leave now... S-sorry if I creeped you out."

"N-no you didn't it's just I didn't expect you to say that..."

"So you're not going to leave?"

"Me? Leave? Haha no honestly I've had a huge crush on you since before I even met you!" you laughed before what you said sunk in. "I-I mean im not a crazy f-fangirl! Please trust me!"

Ukwon laughed "don't worry I trust you!" He smiles and moves over to you and hugs you. "Saranghae (y/n)..."

"S-SARANGHAE!!! Uh I mean saranghae oppa..."

He chuckles and kisses your nose "so cute~"


"So wanna be mine?~"


"W-what?!" He looked at you shocked.

"Im kidding oppa~" you giggle and he stops your giggling by kissing you.

"Hey don't laugh you really scared me there." He looks all serious then smiles and hugs you tightly. "Thanks (y/n).~"

{A/N ah finally another fan fic sorry I've been lazy and in a writing mood lately this one is kinda for my friend cuz she loves ukwon. So yeah. Peace out!}

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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