Not just another fangirl pt 2 {zico x reader}

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You hurriedly rushed home, did your makeup and put on the trendiest clothes that you could find in your closet. "There I think I'm some what presentable now." You smiled a huge smile at yourself and clinched your fist. "Right then, remember (y/n) fighting!" You giggled as you rushed out the door you got there a bit early so you killed the time on your iPod. 'It's already 7:45... Maybe he forgot?' You drooped your head being a bit saddens at the thought. "Well he is a celebrity... So I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen."

"You're not starting to think I forgot about you? Are you?" Zico called from behind you with a smile on his face. "How could I ever forget such a pretty girl like you (y/n)?" He smirked and sat across from you at the table.

"I-I uh... S-sorry it's just you were late and I uh I'm just a fan and uh-" you're rambling was cut off when he leaned across the table and lightly kissed your lips. You felt your face heat up at a speed you didn't think possible.

For what seemed like hours he finally pulled away and smiled. "Shhh to me you're not just another fangirl."

You were as red as a tomato at this point but you were able to stutter out. "Wh-what m-makes m-m-me d-different?"

"Well..." He stated. "Something about you just makes me want to love you... A-and you haven't tried to kidnap, murder, or steal my clothes. So yeah." He was blushing a little but he lightly laughs at the last statement. "So uh... I know we only just met but uh (y-y/n) would you be my girlfriend?"

"Uh- um... Uh huh." You nodded quickly. "I-I would l-love to!"

"Good." He smiles. "I was scared you would reject me!" He laughs.

"No way would I do that!"

"Good" he pulled you back into another kiss this one is a bit more passionate and you kiss back.

{aaaaand the end! *chick flick movie music plays in the background* sorry I didn't post a update in a long time I was uh busy! *cough* lazy *cough* anywho leave requests for another fanfic about block b x readers and I'll write it kay peace out!}

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