Taeil x reader {childhood friends}

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You walked down the hallway of your school having insult after insult sent your way.


You just walked past doing the best you could to ignore the hateful words towards you. You were stopped in the middle of the hall by three girls. Everyone knew these girls they were the queens of the school. "Where do you think you're going dork?" The blonde one said meanly.

"To my next class..." You said keeping your head down.

"Gee, you sure are a goody two shoes aren't you?" The ditzy brown haired one remarked.

"Yeah? So what?" You said a bit annoyed.

"You should really try and have some fun!" The black haired one says.

"I do have fun! I play video games and I have music and anime..."

The blonde one shakes her head. "Soooo boringly innocent! Ugh whatever I can't blame you for not having any fun. I mean look at you! You're so ugly! No wonder you're so innocent! No guy will like you ever!" (Sorry reader-chan not really!)

You turned your head down and held your tears back. That left you feeling like you had just been stabbed by a thousand knives. "Sh-shut up..."

"Aww did I make the little ugly duckling angry? Too bad. I know what will make you look better! A hair cut" she took the gum out of her mouth and stuck it in you're hair. "Have fun getting that out!" She smirked and chuckled evilly.

Unable to hold your tears in anymore you ran to the bathroom and cried. "Dammit... I hate her!" You looked at the gum. "Ugh she stuck it in there good... The only way this is coming out is with scissors." You reached in your bag and got the scissors from your mini sewing kit and started cutting your hair. More tears rolled down your cheeks as you saw your hair fall. "5 years of growing it out for nothing..." You sighed as you finished cutting the last bit of long hair. "There... I guess that doesn't look to bad." You walked out of the bathroom wiped your tears and sighed.

"Hey (y/n)!" A voice called out to you from Down the hall. You immediately recognized it as your only friend Lee Tae Il. You quickly wiped the last of your tears off and plastered on a fake smile.

"Hey Tae Il!" You waved at him. He walked up to you.

"Wow (y/n) I barely recognized you! I can't believe you got your haircut so short!"

"Well I did!" You laughed trying not to cry.

"Why did you get it cut so short anyways?" He asked

"Well I figured it was time for a change..."

"You sound sad (y/n).... Did those girls do something to you to make you cut your hair?!" He asked angrily.


"You should know by now (y/n) I know when you're lying. Now then what did those girls do?!"

"Okay the blonde one she stuck her gum in my hair. And yeah..."

"Grrrrrr! I've had it with those girls! They're so annoying!!! How dare they mess with my best friend!" He began storming off to find them but you stopped him.

"Wait lets just tell a school official or something."

"Ugh... Okay fine."

We walk to the school office they were expelled. "Finally! They're gone!" You say happily knowing you won't have to deal with them anymore!

Tae Il smiles over at you glad to see that you're happy.

"Soooooo after school want to go get some ice cream to celebrate?" I ask.

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