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Castle Bravo

the Osprey arrived landing in the lower depths of the base. Landing on the pad the team exited the Osprey with, the team walked to the meeting room where Houston was.

Houston: How'd it go

Ren: it went well, Kong and Zilla fought but Jia managed to stop it

Mark then quickly walked in hugging his daughter

Mark: Maddie, thank god your ok

Madison: *hugging* i'm alright dad, You won't believe what went down on Skull Island, we saw this Titan named Zilla, he had a pregnant mate with him, at first Kong was attacking them because he thought they were invading. Until Jia, the girl who has bond with Kong stopped and explained to Kong, Kong accepted Zilla and Komodithrax staying.

Then Rick Stanton announced something.

Rick: Godzilla! He's leaving the Hollow Earth, he must have regrown his lost arm, and looks like a different Titan is with him.

Mark: what different Titan?

Rick: not sure, but we'll find out soon

Stanton continued checking but noticed the looks of the Titan with Godzilla

Rick: is that a turtle...?

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