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Lan Wangji can still remember the day when he first met Wei Wuxian.

It was in his in his second year of university, he was walking down a hallway about to turn the corner when somebody ran into him headfirst. He stared dumbfounded as the man bounced of his chest and fell to the floor with a bruised nose and probably a bruised behind too.

He opened his mouth to reprimand him, but then the boy looked up with teary silver eyes while rubbing his sore nose and the words died in his throat.

He was the prettiest person that Wangji has ever seen.

"Aren't you going to help me up, after running me over?" he inquired in a clear high voice.

"One must not run in the cloud recess" he automatically responded. "And I did not run you over, you bounced into me".

The boy threw his head back and laughed happily. Lan Wangji was enchanted.

"Bounced of you, more like it" the pretty boy said "and still gege won't help me up".

Lan Wangji automatically extends his hand to help the stranger up. When the boy places his his hands in his so that Wangji can haul him up, Wangji couldn't help but notice how perfectly his delicate hands fit in Wangji's broad palms. Marveling at the feel of the calloused hands in his.

"Aren't you going to let go?" a voice inquired.

That's when Wangji realized that he spent so long holding a stranger's hands in the middle of a empty hallway, he felt his ears heat up in embarrassment and immediately let go, ignoring how empty his hands now felt.

Shyly he dared to look at the boy and found him staring bemusedly at Wangji, when he saw him looking he smiled prettily up him.

"Hi" the pretty boy said breathlessly. "Thank you for helping me up, that's very kind of you".

"No need for thanks" said Lan Wangji who was never very good at making conversation, and who felt very awkward talking to this man.

Just as he was about to keep walking the stranger helds out his hand. Lan Wangji stares at in incomprehension.

"I'm Wei Ying" he introduces himself

Wei Ying, Wei Ying, what a pretty name Wangji internally bubbled.

He looked at Wei Ying to see him looking expectantly at Wangji and realised he was waiting for him to give his name as well. Wangji could feel the heat from his ears spread to his neck after realizing he was staring like a weirdo.

"Lan Wangji " he introduces. "But you may call me Lan Zhan" says his mouth before his brain catches up.

He didn't even have time to feel mortified at himself, because the boy-Wei Ying smiled his biggest smile at him while simultaneously saying Wangji's name.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan" he says. It was like music to Wangji's ears. "A beautiful name for a beautiful man" he giggled while his slender fingers sweaped his bangs behind his ears.

When the words registered, he went hot and cold simultaneously. Nobody has ever spoken so brazenly to him before.

"Shameless" he stuttered.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but if I don't go now I'm going to be late for class" Wei Ying said cheerfully.

Class. Wangji completely forgot about class. He feels unmoored, he's never been late before. What will his uncle think?

Unmoored, yes this entire encounter left him unmoored, he wanted to be done with it.

"Well, see you around I guess" Wei Ying said while walking away.

"Mn" Wangji murmured, while watching Wei Ying and his skin tight jeans walking away. When he turned his head and saw Wangji looked he winked and smiled his best smile yet and Lan Wangji's heart raced so much he feared he was having a heart attack.

"Shameless" he said again, but he couldn't help the small smile he sported for the rest of the day.

Just from that short meeting he went through his classes dazed, while constantly thinking about that boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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