sweet dreaming

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Hands gliding on soft skin. Fingers squeezing and pinching. Lips sucking and teeth biting.  

Every touch, every kiss sent a bolt of electricity through him. He wanted him so badly he ached. Knowing that he was here sent a surge of elation through him. This is what he always wanted, him writhing beneath him, that he wanted me as me as much as I wanted him.

I looked down at him, his silver eyes were glazed with lust and I knew in that moment that he was ready for me.

I held both of his hands in one of mineas I guided myself into him. His walls clamped down onto me and I have never felt anything more perfect. He was so warm and so wet that I felt elated knowing that I was the cause of him becoming so undone.

He wrapped his legs around my waist and I felt myself bottoming out inside him. I had to keep myself still, because I wanted to make this last.  I wanted to make him feel as good as he was making me feel. I just wanted to loose myself in his depths. I wanted to hear him screaming my name as I pounded into him.

He was so tight, it felt like he was made just for me. Everything about him was perfect. I was never going to let him go again, I was going to keep him with me where nobody could lay their lustful eyes on him again and where nobody could take him from me.

Just the thought of anybody taking him away from me angry, but the thought of him leaving sent a surge of white hot pain through me. The thought of no longer having him in my life made me  enraged, it made me want to go on a  rampage.

"Lan Zhan"

The sound of him. Just the sound of his voice sent a  jolt through me, reminding me that he was here with me and that nobody was taking him away from me.

"Lan Zhan please ".

He pleaded with me deep inside of him, pleaded for something only I could give him.

"A-Zhan please".

His voice was like a siren's song. So very very needy.

"A-Zhan please what?" he asked although he already knew what he wanted.

"Please I need you".

He knew in that moment that keeping calm was the last thing that I wanted to do . It just wasn't possible with him when he was like this. With his legs wrapped so tightly around my waist and with me buried so deep inside him, with him wrapped so tight and hot and wet around me. I was in heaven and if I died in this moment  I would die a happy man.

It was in that moment that I gave into my instincts to claim him. To leave  my mark on him, in him, to show the people that he belongs to me and me alone.

I gripped him tight as I drove into him again and again. To bring us both to completion. He was just  as eager as I was, with his whimpers and moans urging me on. He was  moaning like a  bitch in heat as I pounded into him like the animal that I was.

I kissed him while I gave him thrust after relentless thrust.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan". He chanted as he came undone with me still inside him. His walls spasming and contracting and clamping down on me sent me over the edge as well an I came with his name on my  tongue.

"Wei Ying".

I fell on top of him, breathing hard, not bothering to pull myself out of him. I felt no need to, I belonged inside of him.

He looked into my eyes with his bright mercury colored eyes and I could feel myself hardening inside of him.

"I love you". He said.

Lan Wangji was elated at hearing those words finally coming from him. I have longed to hear those words from him for the longest of times.

Just as I was about to reply, to say those words back to him, I felt myself being pulled away, to someplace where he wasn't. I felt myself panicking, because he was leaving me again. He was going somewhere I couldn't reach.

He felt something shaking him and he swatted at it.

"Wangji". The person said.

He did not want this person, he only wanted Wei Ying.

"Wei Ying". He called out.

The person he was with stilled and he finally opened his eyes to reality, to finally wake up.

He looked into his brother's stricken face and was disheartened to see that it was not Wei Ying looking back at him.

It was nothing but a he realized, a nightmare, because Wei Ying was not wit him an now he had to face reality.

Wei Ying hated him, he wouldn't love me if I was the last man on earth.

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