Harsh reality

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Lan Wangji sat alone in the darkness of his hotel suite.

After his brother woke him from his dream he just couldn't go back to sleep. So after assuring Xichen that he would be fine, he bathed himself and got ready for the day.

Now at 6:am he sat watching the sunlight illuminate the world outside, he contemplated his dream.

That dream brought back thoughts of a better time. A time when everything was still in colors instead of this dreary grey world he now lived in.

When Wei Ying left it was like he took every colour with him.

That dream reminded him of a time where he could touch and love Wei Ying as much as he wanted to. A time when Wei Ying still loved him.

A time when he looked at him like he hung the stars, a look of complete and utter adoration as if Wangji could do no wrong.

And now in the morning light he has to face the reality that Wei Ying now has no feelings for him other than contempt.

He thought about the difference of then and now.

A look that use to be love was now loathing. Everytime he moved to touch him he moved away, as if Wangji's mere touch was poisonous. A sneer instead of a smile. Where Wei Ying used to talk to him about anything and everything there is now only harsh words and hateful silence.

To a time when he still trusted Wangji.

"Wangji". He looked up as his brother called.

"It's time for our flight back home". Xichen said. "How long have you been sitting here".

He looked at his watch that now read 9:45am. "Long enough". He replied.

It was a quick and quiet ride to the airport. Many times Xichen opened his mouth as if to speak to him. When the boarded their jet and already in the air he finally did.

"Wangji I know things may seem bad right now" he began.

"Bad" I blankly repeated.

"Yes, but it will get better ".

"Will it. Will it get better. He hates me gege".

Xichen looked sympathetic. "Oh didi hate is just another form of love".

Wangji thought if that was true then Wei Ying must love him very much.

"You don't see the look in his eyes when he speaks to me, the way he shies away from my touch. What if he never forgives me?".

" Wangji he doesn't hate you. He's just angry right now, but if you show him how serious you are to fix your relationship I'm sure he'll forgive you" Xichen said.

"I betrayed him" Wangji said.

"You did not betray him, Wangji ,you didn't know. We were all equally harsh with Wei Wuxian, but he has a right to be angry with us" Xichen said.

"But Wangji let me ask you one thing are you planning to give up on trying to make things right?".

The thought of giving up hadn't even occurred to Wangji.


"Then you have time to make things right. He might be angry now, but he won't be angry forever, and when  the anger runs its course, when he's cooled down that's when you should earnestly try to mend things".

"You think he'll listen to me".

He's your husband now Wangji, he'll have to  forgive you eventually".

Wangji felt even more guilty at that, because while having Wie Ying as a husband was wonderful the truth was "he didn't want to marry me. I cornered him into it". He muttered.

"Be that as it may, you're married and you'll have to sit down and have a serious discussion with each other about you future. You love him and he loves you you and your love created something beautiful. And now you have the foundation to build something wonderful. You have a second chance don't waste it"

Hearing Xichen's words Wangji felt immensely better. "He loves me?" He asked.

Xichen smiled. "Of course he still loves you he might say he hates you but that's , because he's angry and hurting and because of the fact that he couldn't get over you". Xichen said. "He wouldn't be trying so hard to convince you he hates you if he didn't still love you ".


" Wangji things may seem hard right now, but they will get better I promise you".

After that the conversation seemed to be over with and only the silence of the jet could be heard.

As he sat there looking out the window he hardened his resolve. He was going to fix his mistakes no matter the cost. No matter what hateful words Wei Ying spews at him, he will fight for his family to be happy.

Fight for Wei Ying to smile at him again. To love and adore him again.

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