Ch. 15 - Truth or Dare

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a/n ; Just in case you skipped Chapter 13, I just want to inform you that Perrie is lesbian in this story, that's it, Enjoy! 💕

It is now weekend, more specifically Saturday and the five lads decided to invite Perrie and her friends over to hang out and play many sorts of games. It started off great, they get along pretty well, except the weird looks Louis and Harry keep giving towards Zayn and Perrie. So, Liam is very much a curious person, he tried asking Harry about the looks he's giving but got 'interrupted' by Louis suddenly calling Harry. And then an idea popped into his head. "Can we play something that's better than 'Never Have I Ever'?" Liam asked and all heads turned to him. "Like..?" Louis asked. "Like 'Truth or Dare' but Truth can't be chosen two times in a row" Liam said with a grin. "Yeah, sure" Niall and Perrie's friends, Leigh-Anne, Jade and Jesy agreed. "I mean.. if you guys are cool with it, then yeah, sure" Zayn replied sounding quite unsure. "I'm, yeah, I'm up for it" Perrie said. "I don't think I'm playing" Louis said and Harry, sitting beside him just nodded in agreement. "Aww... come onnn... what have you got to hide?" Niall challenged the two. "Yeah, it's just a game, Larry" Jesy said using the ship name the girls and Niall had come up with. "I.... fine! count me in" Louis said and Harry just looked shocked but not surprised since Louis is very competitive. "Whatever, I'll just watch" Harry said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and lean back on the couch. "Okay, let's start now, Niall, truth or dare?" Jesy said and asked Niall whom is across from her. "Truth" Niall said as he's smiling. "Ooh, playing safe, huh?" Jade teased and they all just chuckle at her. "Okay, truthfully, what is your favourite candy?" Jesy asked and Niall groaned as a frustrated look plastered on his face whilst everyone laughs. He buried his face in his hand with a frustration and he really took his time to answer that question because 5 minutes later, "I think... it's got to be Galaxy Chocolate" Niall answered once he place his hands down. "Oh, didn't think you were going to answer that, thought we'd had to sleep out here for tonight, lad" Louis remarked sarcastically making everybody once again broke into laughters including Niall. "Whatever, Louis, are up for truth or dare?" Niall said to Louis whom is sat next to Jesy. "Dare, obviously, I'm not a loser" Louis replied. "Okay um... what about... wear the thinnest and the least piece of clothing as possible" Niall gave the dare out. It is winter, and the heater is pretty much broken so whilst everyone wear the warmest clothing, Louis will pretty much be freezing. "I... Okay, fine, I'll do it!" Louis said as he gets up to pull of his jacket and undershirt, then his trousers is soon off his bottom half leaving him in just his thin boxer briefs. He sat back down and shivered slightly. "Li, truth or d-dare?" Louis asked and shivering visibly now. Harry, who's sat right next to Louis was quick to wrap his arms around his freezing boyfriend to warm him up. "Dare... I think.. " Liam said visibly unsure. "I d-dare you to make a hot c-chocolate for m-me" Louis immediately said making everyone laugh including Liam whom is lazily getting off the floor to make Louis' hot chocolate.


After a couple more turns being taken and a few more minutes filled with laughter, it is now Leigh-Anne's turn to ask Perrie. "Truth or dare, Pez?" "Um.. truth..?" Perrie said, more of a question than statement. "Okay.... how did you know these guys?" She asked and Perrie held hesitance in her eyes as if there were more to how they met. "Well... I met Liam at the funfair we went a couple of weeks ago, and today is actually my first time meeting Niall, I've met those two lovebirds at my previous school, and Zayn, is my... ex-boyfriend from when we were younger..." Perrie answered but her voice came out as a mutter as she said the last statement about Zayn and her relationship. Everyone is in shock except Louis, Harry and Zayn who look like they expected her to come clean. But, Liam was utterly confused because he thought Zayn would've told him about something like this. He is mad as well, he feels way too many feelings at the same time that he wish he could have just shut down, but he is mostly upset. Upset that Zayn couldn't have shared that simple piece of information with him. He couldn't believe that he had opened up to Zayn but Zayn couldn't even say the least truth. And he is more upset by the fact that he had to hear it from Perrie instead of his own boyfriend. "Uh, I, uh, I-I'm going to m-my room" Liam said as he gets up and fight back tears that are threatening to pool in his eyes. Even Harry and Louis knew? is it that hard to tell the truth. Liam mentally scoffed as he walks up to his own room and shut the door, and slipped down the door and rest his back against it as his bum made contact with the floor. Tears are now pooled in his eyes and freely flow down his cheeks silently.


Liam keeps on crying silently as his friends keep on having fun downstairs. Soon enough, his eyes became tired from shedding so much tears, so he gets up and walks to his bed and lay down as he pulls the duvet to cover his fragile body. And soon, he closes his eyes and sleeps away the pain hoping for it to be gone by the time he wakes up. But he knows it won't.

Yayyy!! Another chapter finished! I just want to say thank you for 100 reads! You people are amaZAYN!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! and don't hesitate to correct me if there is any grammar mistakes.

Stay safe, Love you always! 💕

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