Chapter 16

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You made a sly smile and grabbed your tooth brush. You made a mental note to ask her why exactly she had his ring on her dresser?

You grabbed your hair brush and walked to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and then your hair. You made yourself look like you hadn't just rolled out of bed, and then walked downstairs. You didn't know what time it was, but knowing Mrs. Weasley she was already up making breakfast. Maybe you would chat with her as she cooked.

As you hit the ground floor you could hear content humming. You walked into the kitchen to see Mrs. Weasley dancing around the kitchen with a pot in her hand. She jumped when she noticed you.

"Y/n! You scared me! But hello, dear, how are you? How was your trip? How has your summer been?"

You grinned. "It's been great, thanks, Mrs. Weasley. I'm good. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm good." Mrs. Weasley responded in a jolly voice. She mixed around whatever was in the pot.

You sat down at the table. "What's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, waffles, and a fruit platter."

"That's a lot of food." You chuckled. Mrs. Weasley nodded.

"I bet they didn't feed you so well at the Malfoy Manor now did they?" She asked, her voice mocking the manor.

"No, they didn't." You said. Although you were given a good amount of food, it didn't have the cozy feeling of dinner as it did here.

Mrs. Weasley set to work on breakfast. Footsteps on the staircase turned your attention to the brown haired boy standing on them. His hair sat in a messy fashion on his forehead. He was wearing a loose t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He grinned at you with a toothy smile and you grinned right back. 

"Hey, Y/n." He said, his voice slightly raspy from sleep. You smiled

"Hello, Harry. Miss me?" You teased.

"A little bit." He replied.

"Uh huh." You said. Harry grinned before running a hand through his unkempt hair. You tore your eyes away from him knowing that soon it would become a blatant stare rather than a friendly gaze.

Harry didn't seem to notice as he spoke. "What's for breakfast?"

"I think Mrs. Weasley said waffles and pancakes. Oh! And a fruit platter."

Harry sighed happily. "Mrs. Weasley is the best cook I've ever met."

"I second that."

The two of you grinned at each other. You sat silently for a few minutes, soaking in each others aura. Ron came down not too long later.

"Where's Hermione?" Were the first words out of his mouth. You grinned, remembering his ring.

"My room. She's asleep, don't go in there." You said when Ron moved to go upstairs. He gave a small scowl and sat across from you.

Ron and Harry looked at each other and shared a knowing look that you weren't included in, but it was definitely about Hermione.

You had a small hunch something was going on between Ron and Hermione but you didn't ask. You knew both would violently deny it and probably get mad at you. Maybe you'd pitch your idea to Harry a little later on.

"So... what have you both been doing over the summer?" You asked.

"Lots of quidditch." Ron said, his silly smile returning. He looked away dreamily as if saying "mmm, quidditch"

"And bothering Hermione." Harry added.

You grinned. "I'm sure she'll tell me all about it when she wakes up." Harry laughed and then yawned. Suddenly a few face appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Ginny!" You yelled excitedly. You hurried over to her and she wrapped you in a hug.

"Y/n! It's been so long, I thought the Malfoys would've brainwashed you by now!" She exclaimed.

You laughed. "I'm glad they haven't. Lucius was trying, though." She walked over to the table and you followed. You sat back down next to Harry and grinned. "I have a story about that, actually."

"Do tell." Harry said, putting his face in his hands and pulling a dreamy expression in a joking manner. You laughed at him and gave him a quick push.

"Alright, alright. Lucius was bugging me about lying to him. Because who wants to tell that creep the truth, right?"

"Not me." Ron said with a shutter. You grinned before continuing.

"He was asking me all about me and Draco's friendship. It was quite creepy, really. He was some sort of bothersome detective. It got to a point where he was being obsessive. When I asked why he kept asking me questions he said 'I just want to see the type of people my son affiliated with.'" I mocked his voice and everyone laughed. I grinned and kept going. "Now we all know Draco's father does not care about Draco. So ya know what I said?"

"What?" Ginny asked.

"I told him he was lying. And when he acted all offended and asked why, I responded with 'Maybe because you don't give him a second glance or ever show up to his birthday parties.'" The three people listening burst out laughing. They all looked quite impressed and I was actually proud of myself. I knew none of them would backtalk Lucius Malfoy, except Harry. But it felt good to have done it, like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Jeez, Y/n. I swear you've got a death wish." Ron said.

You smiled. "Maybe. But he deserved it."

"I'm sure he did." Harry said grinning. Mrs. Weasley entered the room with oven mitts on.

"Can one of you dears go get everyone else and let them know breakfast is in five minutes?" She asked sweetly. You stood up.

"I will, ma'am." You offered.

"Aw, you're so polite. Ron, you should be more like Y/n." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile before leaving the room. Ron shot me a jealous glance.

"Oops." Was all you said before walking up the stairs.

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