Chapter 2

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When you opened the front door the smell of food hit your face like a gust of wind. You could see your mom in the kitchen from the doorway. Your dad was on the couch watching the news.

"Y/n! There you are. We were so worried!" Your mom said once she saw you. She pulled you into a hug as your father stood.

"Uh... what?" You asked, super confused.

Your dad looked at you. "Listen, honey. We're sorry if sleeping at the Malfoy's wasn't how you wanted to spend your summer. We just thought maybe you'd like to spend some time with someone your age and-"

"It's okay, dad. I'll survive." You said. It was nice to hear your parents caring about you for once. Whether they really meant it or not.


Dinner was less quiet than usual. Your parents clearly had a lot to talk about. And it wasn't just work.

"Did you hear that the Leaky Cauldron is releasing a new drink?" Your father asked as he dug into his food. You and your mother watched him as he spoke.

"Really?" Your mother asked. "Don't you think they have enough on their menu?"

Your father chuckled. "No, no. Never too much. Apparently it has Hippogriff tears in it- rare."

You smiled to yourself, thinking about Buckbeak and Sirius and the crazy end of your third year.

"What're you smiling about?" Your mother asked, looking at you.

You chuckled. "Oh, nothing. Just thought of something funny."

Your parents kept the conversation going until the end of dinner. Once you were full, you excused yourself and went to your room, readying yourself for bed. You put your suitcase beside you, shut off your bedroom light ,and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of flowers.


The next morning your parents woke you up bright and early.

"Remember, dear, we've got to get on our way to go to the Malfoy's."

You rubbed your eyes. "What time do we need to be there by?"

"As early as we can. They live quite far, so we need to get an early start." With that your mum left the room.

The sun was shining brightly through your window even though it was only 6 in the morning.

After brushing your teeth, getting dressed, and walking downstairs to see your father was cooking breakfast, you went outside to put your suitcase in the car. You didn't add anything else to it, it already had everything from Hogwarts. You didn't much feel like unfilling and refilling it.

As you were leaning into the car to put your suitcase in, a noise behind you alerted your attention.

"Hello again." A familiar voice from behind you startled you. You turned around.

"Oh! Penelope. You scared me."

The girl smiled. "Sorry. I'm just walking my dog. I always bring him up this road, he likes to walk around here." She motioned to a small dog on a leash that was sniffing your shoes.

"That's alright." You said. "Cute dog."

The girl smiled, but then looked at you struggling to fit the suitcase into the car. "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah. A family friend's house."

Penelope smiled. "Nice. What did you say your name was again?"

"Y/n Y/l/n."

The girls face lit up. "Wait! I swear my friend has told me about you!"

"What?" You asked. "What friend?" Now you were really confused. Almost none of the muggles in this town knew who you were. Why should they? You were almost never around here because you spent so much time at Hogwarts.

"My friend Draco. He talks about you all the time-"

Your eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah! I knew I recognized you from somewhere. I just didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong and you were a muggle... you're going into your fourth year, right?"

You smiled widely. "Yeah! Oh my goodness it's so nice to finally have someone to talk to around here. I always have to write to my friends- and the neighbors think I'm weird for sending owls out my window every so often."

The girl laughed. "Same! My neighbors have complained to my parents a couple times- they never know what to say."

Just then your dad opened the door to tell you breakfast was ready when he noticed Penelope.

"Y/n, breakfast is-" He began. He noticed Penelope. "Well who is this?"

"This is my friend, Penelope Clearwater."

"Clearwater?" Your father asked. He gave you a look that plainly said, "is she one of us?" You nodded, and your dad's face lit up. "I know your father! We work in the same branch, it's so nice to meet you." Penelope smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." Penelope said.

"Anyways, I should get going. I have to eat breakfast so we can leave." You said before pausing for a second, then whispering in the girls ear, "I'm going to Draco's house over the summer."

The girl looked shocked. "Really? I'm sure Draco's excited. He's like totally in love with you."

You blushed before smiling at the girl. "Anyways, I'll see you around. It was nice meeting you."

The girl waved you goodbye before stopping you. "Wait! We're not the only magical folk around here. A boy lives near here, too. His name is Oliver I think."

"Oliver Wood?" You asked, shocked. You loved Oliver!

"Yeah! That's it. Ive never spoken to him but he only lives a couple minutes away. Sometimes he hits Quaffles too hard and they land in my yard." You laughed and bid your new friend goodbye.

Oliver lived near you!


You sat with your parents and began to eat. Breakfast was waffles and tea. It was quiet and peaceful. Your parents talked quietly and you dwelled on the thought that you had 2 friends that lived near you! You sighed, enjoying the peace- well, until the snowy white owl flew through the window and landed on the fridge.

"AGHH!" Your mom screamed. She was afraid of owls; pathetic, I know.

"Hedwig!" You said, hurrying to the fridge.

Hedwig gave you a playful nip as you took the letter she had tied to her leg. Your parents watched as you sat down and opened it gingerly.

Dear Y/n,

I'm just checking in. I don't know when you're gonna get this or what you're doing, but I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. Let me know your plan for the summer.

Much love, Harry.

You smiled down at the letter while your parents smirked at each other.

"What is it?" Your father asked.

"Just- just a friend." You mumble, smiling to yourself.

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