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"Hey, look!" A teenage girl squealed, pointing. "It's Phil Lester!"

Phil felt uncomfortable and claustrophobic with the crowd slowly building around him.

"He's such a horrid, disgusting man."

"He's going to be some sad, alcoholic tramp living in the bins when he's older!"

"He should feel terrible for getting all those girls pregnant. He should just kill himself."

Phil started panicking.

"I-I'm really s-sorry, I mean it, o-okay?" He stuttered, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Kill yourself! Kill yourself!" The crowd chanted.

The crowd came closer and closer to Phil. He tried to look for a gap between the angry people that he could run through, but he had no such luck. He went down on his knees and curled up into a ball.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Phil cried, but the chants continued.

He screamed as he felt things being thrown at him, feet kicking him, hands reaching down to choke him.

Suddenly he heard the noise of a bird in the air, then more birds. He watched as what looked like a large black cloud moved towards him. As it came closer, it appeared to be crows. Phil tried to get up and run, but he had frozen to the floor.

"Help!" He sobbed as the crows started pecking at him. They pecked everywhere. The crowd laughed and continued to insult him. He looked up and saw his mum, giving him an evil glare. Dan and Mia were there too, giggling.

"Dan! Mia! Please, save me!" Phil struggled to speak as a crow wedged it's head into his mouth. "You're my friends!"

Dan and Mia continued to taunt him. Phil gave up yelling for help and resigned to crying, letting himself be pecked to death...


Phil screamed and sat up on the couch he had been sleeping on. Dan was sitting next to him.

"Phil, are you alright? That's a bit of a stupid question, of course you're not alright..." Dan mentally slapped himself. What a great help he was.

Phil couldn't speak. He just shook, gulped and hiccuped.

"Let's stop you shaking, shall we?" Dan said softly, wrapping his arms around Phil. "There, there. I'm here."

Phil buried his head in Dan's chest and started sobbing again.

"Y-you let the crows peck me to death!" Phil wailed.


"These crowds were beating me up. There were crows pecking me too. Y-you just stood there, laughing." Phil shook even more as he remembered the awful dream.

"Well, it was just a dream. I would never just stand there laughing in real life." Dan assured, stroking Phil's hair. Phil found this really soothing. "I lo-I mean, I will always be there for you."

Dan was shocked at himself. Was he really going to tell Phil that he loved him? Did he even love Phil?

"Thank you." Phil murmured, and once it seemed like he'd drifted back to sleep, Dan went to leave.

"No, Dan." A small, slightly scared voice wobbled.

"What, Phil?" Dan sighed, looking at his friend.

"C-can you sleep here with me? I know it sounds really babyish, but-"

"Yeah, sure." Dan lay down on the floor next to the couch.

"I'm sure there's room for us both on this couch." Phil said.

"No, really, I'll just-"

"Dan, it's not very comfy sleeping on a wooden floor."

"Phil, you're the guest."

"Yes, and I'm asking you to come up here. Your hugs kinda make me feel safer anyway."

Dan blushed. "Okay."

Dan hoisted himself onto the couch, and wrapped his arms around Phil. It felt so nice hugging Phil, he was very cuddly yet muscular.

"Thank you, Dan." Phil yawned. "Good night, Dan."

"Good night, Phil." Dan replied, also yawning. "If any more bad dreams come, I'll fight them off with my bare hands. Well, maybe I'd wear oven gloves for extra protection."

Phil giggled and fell fast asleep.

Dan lay awake, thinking about how he was about to tell Phil he loved him. Phil was rather attractive, and very sweet, but did Dan love him?

Ridiculous, Dan thought. You've had your eye on girls all throughout your life.

But then, why would he almost tell Phil he loved him?

Dan sighed and soon dozed off himself.

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