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Who's to say the fun needs to stop with a trilogy? You heard that right, the Open Novella Contest is back for a fourth edition and AmbassadorsIN is hosting an Indian version of the ONC for the very first time!

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Who's to say the fun needs to stop with a trilogy? You heard that right, the Open Novella Contest is back for a fourth edition and AmbassadorsIN is hosting an Indian version of the ONC for the very first time!

Whether or not you're a new or returning ONC writer continue reading further to learn more about the Open Novella Contest. 

★ The Open Novella Contest is a collaborative project spanning different corners of the Ambassador-run profiles

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★ The Open Novella Contest is a collaborative project spanning different corners of the Ambassador-run profiles.

★ The Open Novella Contest has one goal in mind - encouraging Novella writing.

★ This year's contest will be a total of 13 weeks!

★ This time it's expanded! Eleven separate language communities across the Ambassador-run profiles are hosting their own Open Novella Contest in their language/nationality community. Please keep in mind that these are separate different Open Novella Contest versions. Check out more information on international Open Novella Contests in our "Frequently Asked Questions" chapter or our "ONC IV Locations" Chapter.

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★ Novellas are a form of prose fiction that is longer and more complex than short stories, but not as long as a novel

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★ Novellas are a form of prose fiction that is longer and more complex than short stories, but not as long as a novel.

★ Different sources give different word counts, but for this contest, in particular, we're looking for anything between 20,000 and 40,000 words.

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★ This is a writing challenge unlike NaNoWriMo

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★ This is a writing challenge unlike NaNoWriMo

Although NaNoWriMo is an extremely impressive feat to accomplish, for those with compact schedules the Open Novella Contest provides a wide berth in the writing timeline and a shorter word count goal.

★ Perfect opportunity to test out a new genre

Let's be honest. We've all been there, wanting to delve into a new genre but not necessarily for a full-fledged novel. You can use ONC as a way to "test the waters" before you dive into the world of your new genre interest!

★ New Year's Resolution or Personal Goals in mind

Perhaps you have New Year's Resolution set in stone, or you're wanting to escape from the writer's block box, or simply to set a new personal goal for yourself!

★ Dust off the old ideas you shelved in the past

Whether it be an idea you shelved a week ago or an idea from the beginning of your Wattpad profile, this is as good a time as any to dust it off and bring it back to life.

★ You either missed out on the last ONC and/or have counted down the days until the next!

Look no further, in a few days time the Open Novella Contest will officially launch on February 1st, 2021 at 12:01AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) and you'll be free to write your novella masterpiece! Remember to add this book to your library if you'd like further notification of updates.

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✰ Introduction ✰

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✰ Introduction ✰

(You are here!)

✰ Rules & Guidelines ✰

✰ Contest Schedule ✰

✰ Prizes ✰

✰ Frequently Asked Questions ✰

This contest is organized, managed, and judged in its entirety by the Ambassadors Team, which consists of users who volunteer their free time to Wattpad

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This contest is organized, managed, and judged in its entirety by the Ambassadors Team, which consists of users who volunteer their free time to Wattpad. The Open Novella Contest is not affiliated with Wattpad or its staff. If Wattpad decides to feature or otherwise recognize any of this contest's entries at any time, that's entirely Wattpad's choice. It does not impact the ONC team's decision over the winners of this contest in any way.

Open Novella Contest 2021 [AmbassadorsIN]Where stories live. Discover now