Chapter Three

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Diaspro was contempt, she was in her house, reading her favorite book, with her favorite person across from her. She and Edward had spent majority of the morning lying around her house. They felt comfortable in each other's silence as the fairy read her book and the vampire wrote in his. Edward had kept a journal since his first year as a vampire, he didn't write in it often however. His last entry was when Alice and Jasper had joined the family and stole his room. He carried it with him always, he didn't need a random human finding it and his secrets.

Or worse, his siblings finding it. The humiliation of what they could find out was something Edward did not want to experience. However Edward wasn't exactly writing, he was in fact drawing a picture of the girl across from him. He was never one for art, but he couldn't stop himself from drawing a small picture of Diaspro. She was beautiful, she was art, it would have been a crime to not draw a picture of her in his journal. Edward's thoughts drifted back to the previous night, their date, and the suprise family meeting.

It shouldn't have surprised him as much, whenever things seemed perfect in his life something came to destroy it. First it was the influenza, next it was Isabella Swan, now it was a vengeful enemy. Alice had been tracking Victoria since the family dealt with James. However the events of Bella's birthday distracted that, and gave Victoria the chance to plan revenge. Carlisle had called a meeting because Victoria was caught in their territory the other night. Emmett had also been in a fight with one of the wolves, neither were hurt but it did raise tensions. It made Edward more thankful to not have been there at the time.

It didn't take long for the Cullens to figure out Victoria's plan, the many recent disappearances gave it away. She was building an army to take out the Cullens, and most of Washington state with them, something that terrified him to realize. Should he have been at school today? Yes, but Edward would rather spend more time with Diaspro. Although he would be picking up his siblings later on, and now on the subject of his siblings, there was a request from Alice that Edward had to ask. Alice might kill him if he didn't.

"Diaspro?" "Hmmm?" Diaspro looked up from her book and towards Edward. Somehow on a perfectly cloudy day, Edward looked absolutely perfect. "It's my graduation soon, and my sister Alice is throwing a party for the occasion, and I was wondering if you'd come to both." Diaspro immediately froze. Going to Edward's graduation would mean meeting his family. A bit of a rush since they've only been on one date, and only known each other less than a month. However they are seeing each other, and out of respect it would only be polite to introduce herself to his parents.

"I'd love to go." "Excellent." Edward snickered when Diaspro shot up and started searching through her closet for something to wear. "If I wear the red to the graduation, I can't wear it to the party." Holding up her dress to her body as she balanced several others on her other arm, Diaspro hummed in thought looking at her reflection. "Can't you wear the same dress?" "Of course not!" Jokingly raising his hands in surrender Edwards burst into a small fit of giggles at Diaspro's reaction.

His laughter being contagious Diaspro laughed with him. Moments like this are moments that both wish could last forever. A moment where you're just so ridiculously happy that everything seems surreal.


Now at the end of the day Edward pulled up to the school to pick up his siblings and go home. Sadly fate was not on his side today. "Edward!" He recognized that voice anywhere, it's the voice that broke him, a voice he used to think was the most beautiful sound in his ears, yet the annoyed look on his face said differently. Bella shuffled awkwardly to the vampire but it didn't surprise him, everything she did was awkward. Jacob wasn't far behind her and every step he took showed obvious anger.

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