Chapter Nine

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Victoria sat in the dark, eyes flicking around the room, watching her newborns. She always thought they weren't enough, that she needed more, yet she also knew if she kept going she and Riley wouldn't be able to control them. Hence their little situation now where she sent Riley to go catch a stray and deal with him. The newborn found out that Victoria and Riley were feeding them lies and threatened to inform the others, when she went to kill him the newborn ran off.

Victoria couldn't keep up so she left Riley to deal with it. Her anger growing when Riley walked back with his head down and his tail between his legs.

"I lost him."


Diaspro jolted awake from a loud crash downstairs in her house. Her breathing stilled as she heard more noise, another crash. She let herself rise from her bed slowly, whatever was down there she didn't want to alert it of her presence.

So she conjured her wings from their hidden place, floating gently towards the danger. Diaspro made a sword from crystal and waited, daring something to try and attack her yet again. She turned the corner of the stairs, heading back to her living room where it sounded like the crash had been. She was right, the window was shattered and glass was strewn every way on the floor. The table in the far corner was turned over and the vase that was placed on it was also broken into a millions pieces.

What concerned Diaspro most was the lack of any sign of the party responsible for the destruction. Until the floor behind her creaked from pressure. Diaspro turned quickly and without hesitation pressed the blade of her sword to the intruders neck. The sight of him disturbed her.

He was obviously taller than her, if it weren't for the fact she was flying, he'd be towering over her. He was a mess, his clothes were shred, and his hair and dirt and grime in it. What fazed Diaspro the most was the fact he was child, albeit barely younger than her but she knew he must have been young, and terrified.

"Please don't hurt me lady, I'm really sorry about wrecking your house but I just ran from my own death, I need somewhere to hide, please!" If his terrified face didn't convince her, his voice did, he was a child, and because of that she lowered her guard.

Diaspro tucked away her wings and landed on her floor. Her sword was still pressed against his neck, she couldn't be too cautious, he could have brought company with him.

"What's your name?" He looked at the sword still pressed to him, and came to the conclusion that he probably shouldn't anger the small woman, what really threw him off was the fact she even owned a sword nowadays. Then again this woman had wings.

"It's Diego." Diaspro took one final look at the child. If he wanted to attack her he would have done so by now, newborns have little self control. The fact he hadn't eased her worry, perhaps he genuinely was on the run, and she knew exactly from where. The only question is why kill your army before you plan to unleash them on a whole town? The possible answers didn't sit right in Diaspro's stomach.

"Come with me." Diaspro didn't have much, and she knew he didn't have the need to eat anymore, but she couldn't let him stand there in his terrified state anymore. She found one of Edward's hoodie's lying around the house and gave that to Diego, telling him where the bathroom was so he could clean up. By the time he emerged from the bathroom he looked calmer than he'd been earlier, his hair no longer had dirt clinging to it and he seemed relaxed in the hoodie.

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