Creatures, Definitions, and Locations

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Logs taken from one of the series of notebooks The Council kept on the considered "Underworlders."

Bloodcrawler: A creature with a human appearance in exception of two fangs that rest in canine position of the mouth. Bloodcrawlers live off of Memories, which can be consumed by the drinking of blood or tears. Their appearances vary. They are not noticeably stronger than the average human and do not appear to have a weakness. However, when fangs are removed, they will not grow back, leading the Bloodcrawler to be without an important weapon to their survival.

Bloodring: A room inside The Prison in which two Underworlders are placed to fight to the death while The Council observes.

Caster: A creature, appearance of a human, that can draw power from designated sources. Sources include fire, earth, water, air, and life. Depending on the action that the Caster desires to be put into emotion, the element needed varies. All Casters seem to have the power to control and bend the four other elements to their will besides life.

Descents: Little information known. Only heard among the whispers between the cells in the prison. Prisoners tend to become silent about the subject when guards are near. Keywords occasionally heard include dark, light, blood, wings, eyes.
Update 12/5/2032: Tenshi, which we originally believed to simply be a sound the Underworlders commonly used, appears to be a term that several of the elders are familair with. We have been told the Tenshi is linked to Descents.

Underworlders: A vague term referring to a creature with Memories pulsing in their being.

Elf: A creature similar to that of a Fae. Physical appearance includes pointed ears, cat-like eyes, slenderness and markings along body that resemble vines and/or leaves. Extremely agile and gifted with powers of manipulation and persuasion beyond that of a human's. Elves tend to have corrupted thoughts and opinions, as well as mesmerizing appearances to support their charisma.

Fae: A human-like creature with an abnormally small but secure bone structure. Their wings differ but are frequently pale in color to the point of being near transparency. There has never been an encounter of a Fae that was more than five feet tall. Powers vary with their environment, raising, and personality. Examples include telepathy, healing, empathy, necromancy, and telekinesis.

Hellhound: A creature resembling a dog. When standing, it's shoulders reach a grown man's chest. It's appearance, to humans, is that of a moving, glowing-embers color. To Underworlders, sources have said it looks to be a "demon" dog, with intensely sharp teeth and black pelt with fires licking it's body at all times. Hellhounds have the abilities to teleport, read minds, and hypnotize. They are not friendly to any known human or Underworlder, excluding Lights. Rumors in the prison reveal that they may have a connection to Descents.

Light: A creature that is able to morph into a wolf from a human-like form. In both forms, senses and emotions have shown evidence to be intensified as well as physical abilities, such as strength and speed. When in human shape, features of their wolf tend to "come out," such as their nails growing and shifting to claws, their teeth sharpening, and eyes glowing yellow. Their wolf form seems to have a connection to their human form in appearance, including weight of their wolf, pelt color, and height. Lights have shown evidence of still having human thoughts and reactions in wolf form. Anger triggers them often to shift. They have shown no connections involving the moon besides seeming entranced by it.

Memory: A substance that is found only in Underworlders. Physical aspects involve the appearance of a black mist and a coldness to the touch. Appears to give Underworlders their powers as well as extending their life spans to abnormal lengths. Bloodcrawlers can extract this substance from Underworlders with a system their body produces-besides this, the only way to capture Memories is to, within seconds of an Underworlder's death, burn the body and somehow contain the smoke. Underworlders show signs of anxiety when exposed to a Memory in it's physical form, signs including but not limited to covering their ears or eyes, trembling, hyperventilation, and passing out.

Shifter: A creature that is enabled with the ability to change their form into one of an animal, in exception of the wolf. Examples include hawk, bear, mouse, tiger, house cat. They do not appear to be able to shift into more than one animal. Shifters have the capability to change at will. When in human form, they are not stronger and do not have heightened senses. In animal form, they give the impression of losing human thoughts and becoming their animal in mentality as well as physicality.

The Council: The intelligient group of ten humans, whose names and roles are as follows, ruling over the Earth in a form of Tyranny to prevent Anarchy. They control all systems relating to Underworlders and the few humans remaining.
Foreign Communications: Daniel Cartmen
Strategizer: Vivienne Rylan
Conductor of Experiments: Wren Bassent
Management Of Children Prison: Kyler Moore
Management Of Adult Prison: Jenson Drandé
Administrator Of Underworlder Information: Seke Kalisle
Principal Of The Bloodring: Nathan York
Management Of Patrols and Soldiers: Christian Hart
Provider Of Necessities To Prisoners: Lillian Goodstein
Director Of The Council: Ash Collins

The Prison: The adult location where 18+ Underworlders are jailed. Certain exceptions occur when an Underworlder is considered dangerous and is in need of extra security.

Notes: All Underworlders appear to have changing eye colors depending on their moods, in addition to longer life spans. There are two prisons, one for Underworlders thirteen and up, and one for Underworlders below the age of thirteen. When there is lower than three of one of the Underworlder's species, there is a waiting period in which the creature is brought to strength to withstand all the experiments put upon them. Underworlders will not be placed in the Bloodring unless rendered useless by The Council.

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