Chapter III

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"I want out." I declared for maybe the seventh time, stretching my legs as far as I could from where they rested on the dashboard. Arc shot me another one of his terrifying glares that I had gradually come to be accustomed to. I threw my head back, staring at the car ceiling. I felt so trapped. Being in a car for thirty hours straight would drive a human crazy, much less one that was part animal.

"Enough." Arc's teeth were gritted as he growled the words. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel, I observed, grinning to myself. Irritating him had become my favorite past time, in exception to books – which I didn't have a supply of at the moment.

"Can't we just stop for a few minutes? I'm sick of being in this small of a space."

"You didn't seem to mind when you were in a cell."

"That was different. Now I actually have a choice." I looked at him. "Well, sort of. With you here it makes things ten times more complicated."

He grunted and a twinge of indignation stirred in my mind.

"I could just open this door right now and jump out." I cocked my head irately, eyeing him as I placed the palm of my hand on the door handle.

"Is that so?" His finger tapped against some kind of button under his window. "Child's lock, smart one."

I fell back into my seat, crossing my arms. I looked out the window, feeling immensely disgruntled. I wanted to be out there, where I belonged. The car had only fascinated me for so long. It had been years since I was outside, and now that I was, I was being held back once more from the feral part of myself. I loathed it.

My chest ached in anticipation as I thought of what it'd be like to transform again.

"Arc!" I said, whining again, my fingers twisting together.

And with that, his foot slammed down on the brake. My heart skipped as my body lurched forward, the only thing stopping me from flying through the windshield was my seatbelt, which pressed painfully tight against my waist and torso.

As soon as the car was at a standstill, Arc stepping out of the truck in a very crude manner. Anxious, I peered around our surroundings, wondering why he had stopped so suddenly, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

I watched, bewildered, as he stalked around the car, pausing outside my door. He flung open the door, fuming, then gestured in sarcastic and dramatic manner for me to get out. I stared at him-the sun, in its position, framed his face in such a way that I could see every arch and shadow, his skin faintly glimmering in the sun's rays. When I didn't move, his hand moved in a blur to an iron grip above my elbow, pulling me harshly out of the car, in which I brought back to the reality that this was Arc.


"You said you wanted out." He hissed as he dragged me to the border of the trees. "So let's go."

I stumbled after him, not really having a choice with his hand basically molding into my arm, drowning out the sparks his touch usually ignites. I didn't doubt a bruise would appear the next morning.

Arc strode through the trees, anger and irritation evident in his steps. However, I still, with a childlike glee, stretched out my fingertips to touch any sign of life when we passed close to something; even his mood couldn't ruin my exhilaration.

Eventually his steps began to gradually lessen pace, allowing me to walk beside him. His hand slowly slid down my arm, until it held my wrist-a more comfortable position for both of us. He didn't speak, just continued to walk in silence.

At a seemingly random point, he stilled, holding me beside him. He looked out at something I couldn't see, as if he was looking through the world we stood on. He tilted his head slightly to the side, completely motionless.

Memories: Book One Of The Eclipsed Eyes TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now