Chapter 3- Jameson

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Chapter Three


The breeze was warm on my cool skin, my exposed chest tight in anticipation of what was to come. In the corner of my eye I saw a wisp of fabric floating in the air. When I turned there stood an ethereal beauty. Her skin was pale with a rosy tint, her hair black as night, her eyes were silver and when she looked at me it felt like she saw everything, she saw right into my core. She began to walk away towards the courtyard and I followed wanting to know who this girl is. She couldn't have been older than 17, maybe 18. When she reached the courtyard the image she portrayed was breathtaking. The moon shined down on her, surrounding her in a pure white glow, the fountain she sat upon was clear and bubbling like a brooke on a clear spring day. Her dress spanned out around her like a silky white puddle. But when she spoke, her voice was like that of a siren. It took me a few seconds to register what it was she was saying.

"Six children of noble blood

The spy, the lost princess, the warrior, the runaway and the twins so alike yet different,

six children, all with pure hearts,

they will rise and band together to unite all eight kingdoms once and for all. They will wield magic far more powerful and pure than has been seen since centuries before their time.

The dictator will fall and the true leaders will rise victorious."

And it was with the end of those words that I awoke from my slumber.

As I shot awake I began to dress and wondered about the girl's words. Obviously I have some part in that prophecy, prophecies do not just come to you for no reason, it's always because you have a part to play. I wonder which of the six I am. Obviously I am not the princess or spy, I am not a twin for it is said that twins have a connection to each other like no other. Rivaled only by the connection between soul mates once met. So that leaves either the runaway or the warrior. But I did not have time to dawdle on such thoughts for it is time for me to meet my father, an act I dread almost as much as I dread my 'uncles' visits. Shaking my head to get rid of such dreadful thoughts I pulled on my boots and prepared for what appeared to be a very long day.

As the day went on and the sun continued its course through the sky my thoughts continued to roam, ranging from that prophecy to my training to my fathers expectations from him. My father built his coal mining business from the ground on his own. My father had grown up in Saintmar, under Malum's father Hadeon and was pleased when Malum showed he was just as cruel and twisted as his father, as my father. I don't belong here, in this kingdom of darkness and corruption. I wanted to help people protect them, father always says I'm too soft for this kingdom but if kindness means being soft then I'll be as soft as need be. "Jameson Abaddon! Get your freakish weak head out of the clouds and work! Or so help me Runihura I will send you to your Uncles early. And we both know how much your Uncle loves your visit." At my father's threatening and angry words I flinched and went back to focusing on my task. I already had to see that bastard once a week to 'learn that being a freak isn't right'. I shuddered at the ghost feeling of his hand on my body being pinned to the bed. Then the numbness that always happened after, but I shook them off and focused on my work.

As the day ended I went to my training as per the deal my father and I made, I worked for him; learned to take over the business I want nothing to do with and he'll allow me to train to fight. "Focus! You aren't paying attention! Distraction gets you killed! You can't protect anyone if you can't protect yourself James!" Callan sounded frustrated and worried. I slowed down and turned to look at my friend, "What's wrong Callan? You seem upset. You never sound like this" my words must've shown how worried I was because he sighed and sat down, Callan never sits. He goes to say something but I cut him off, "Get your ass up here Callan Rivers." my voice was demanding and he smirks; "Bossy aren't we James? Usually I'm the demanding one and that's both professionally and in the bedroom." My face flushes at his flirty words knowing they were a promise of what was to come. Tavarious (as I privately call my father) would have Callan's head because it would hurt me and he can't lose his heir; if he ever even gained a suspicion of our relationship. He looked at me smirking, "Why am I getting up there with you? Are you planning on defiling me in the workplace Jameson?" my tan face once again flushed red and I leveled a playful and flirty glare at the man. "No Rivers, after all it was you who defiled me." his face flushed at that and I couldn't help but smirk satisfied at that. "You're getting your ass up here so you can beat me to high empyrean and then help me relax after." he smirked at the promise and stood. I gulped at the spark in his but schooled my features into a confident smirk and sparkling eyes. As he got onto the mat I was standing on I began to regret my words, I was going to seriously regret it if the look in his grey eyes were anything to go by.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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