#14. Lakes, New Jersey here I come! part 1

464 11 12

I waited till midnight to sneak out of the house. It was when the guards changed positions with the ones that were on break.

I had found out earlier today when I was in the kitchen making brownies for my kidnappers. But not normal ones. I put the same drug that they injected into me into the brownies making it easier for me to make my escape.

It was a risky move on my part, but I had to do something to make them pay for drugging me. So if my plan succeeded they would have an even bigger headache than I had and would be too weak to try to stop me from leaving.











The clock's hand touched 12, which I wasted no time locking the guest bedroom door, opened the window made a rope out of the curtain, and pushed it over the window's ledge. I then picked up Laila and strapped her to me with a bungee cord that was really strong.

I took a deep breath and jumped making sure to grab a hold of the curtain and slid my way down the curtain all the way to the ground.

Laila and I made it back onto the ground uninjured but a little scared since we were just dangling from 2 stories up off the ground!

I smiled at my victory and ran into the shadows of the night.

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