-Kirishima fluff-

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( this is a Kirishima x fat!depresed!reader, this is mainly a comfort fic for our favorite shark boi)

-3rd person P.O.V.-

you looked in the mirror in front of you. you had only a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap top on. you were looking at your body.

-god, why do I have to be so fat?- you thought to yourself  -why does Ejiro even love me? there are many pretty girls in class 1-A that are perfect for him. there all pretty, strong, and skinny.- 

you were in the general studies of class 1-C, and a hero student from class 1-A, Kirishima Ejiro, was your boyfriend. many girls that were jealous of you kept on saying stuff like: "OMG, there so fat, how could Kirishima be in love with that?" "aww, poor you, your so fat and hopeless that Kirishima took pity on you" "c'mon, you really think that Kirishima is in love with you? he probably doesn't even like you, he just took pity on you."

you were thinking, that they were right. that Eji- Kirishima was just taking pity on you and being your boyfriend. you started to tear up as you looked at yourself.

-god, why cant he just tell the truth and just break up with me. of course he wouldn't like a fat, ugly, weak person like me.-

a few tears fell from your face onto the carpet. 

-your P.O.V.-

"Babe! I'm here!" you hear.

the door to your room swings open with a smiling Kirishima at the doorway with what looked to be bags of snacks and a few movies in his hand.

"Babe?" he asked, his smile dropping "whats wrong?"

he steps in closing the door behind him. once it shuts you fall to the floor crying.

Kirishima runs to you "Babe?! are you ok? what's wrong?" he franticly asks, hugging you.

"W-when will you *sob* j-just break up w-with me and *sob* get with s-someone better?" you choke out.

"what do you mean? I would never break up with you to get with someone else. I love you way to much for that." he says, trying to calm you.

"y-your just lying s-so *sob* you can keep on pretending t-to be my boyfriend *sob*" you say.

before he can deny or say anything you say " j-just stop faking it and tell me the truth Kirishima, I know your only being my boyfriend because of a prank, a dare, or that you took pity on me."

you two sat in silence as you tucked your head into your knees and cried. after a few minutes, you lifted your head, wondering why he hasn't said anything.

"Kirishima, what's wr-" you were abruptly cut off as Kirishima pressed his lips to yours in a big kiss. 

once he pulled away he cupped your cheeks and said "don't you EVER, call me by my last name again. I told you to call me by my given name because I love you, and I loved how you said it and the nick-names you made out of it, I love you because you are beautiful and strong in your own way, I love you because of how kind you are, I love you because of how sweet you are, i love you because of how funny you are, and mostly, I love you, because you are you. (Y/N), i love YOU, not some fake, not some "pretty" hoe off the street, not one of my classmates, not one of my friends, YOU. you are amazing and talented in your own way, and thats why I love YOU."

you both sat their in silence after he said that. after a minute, you teared up again, and threw yourself into his arms, causing the both of you to topple over because of that. "I LOVE YOU TOO, EJIRO!" you said into his chest. you both sat on the ground for a bit just hugging, until he said "could you get off me now?"

you laughed and said a small, "sorry" as you got up. 

the rest of the night was spent cuddling and eating snacks whiles you both watched the bee movie because Kirishima was shocked that you haven't seen it before. the entire time Kirishima pepered your body with kisses and saying small "I love you" 's the entire time.

(hope you liked the story! this was requested by @ErikaJensen1 , thanks for requesting this! i was supper sad/happy whiles making this and I hope you feel the same reading it.)


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