-Sero fluff pt. 1-

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(I need some fluff after the last chapter)

you were a transfer student from the #1 hero school in America, to the #1 hero school in japan, UA academy. you were slightly nervous about it, but you ignored your nervousness and looked on the bright side, as you always do. 

"ok class, today we have a transfer student from (H/S) academy, they will be taking the place of Mineta for the rest of the year." your new teacher, Mr. Aizawa said.

you saw a few people fist pump and say "I'm glad we don't have to see that perv again!" you guessed that the person who you switched places with was a pervert.

"please introduce yourself and tell everyone your quirk" Mr. Aizawa said.

"hello! my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and my quirk is called elemental" you say.

"alright then, everyone else, introduce yourself." Mr. Aizawa said.

everyone introduced themselves and their quirk. once they were done Mr. Aizawa said: "you can sit behind Midoriya in the empty seat. Midoriya is the green haired kid." 

you went to the desk indicated by Mr. Aizawa, and then he started to teach the class.

after a while, the bell range, signaling that it was time for lunch.

you grabbed your stuff and was about to head out of the class, when a boy, you remembered his name to be Ejiro Kirishima, came up to you.

"hey! want to sit with us at lunch?" he said, pointing to a group of classmates behind him.

"sure!" you said "I don't have anyone else to sit with, and I don't want to sit alone during lunch on my first day."

you walk to the lunchroom with Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugou.

you all had gotten your lunch and sat down at your table to chat. everyone was asking questions about your quirk, life, and America, except for Bakugou.

"hey blasty! why so quiet all of a sudden?" Ashido asked.

"grr, STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Bakugou yelled.

"There's the Bakugou we know and love." Sero said.

"SHUT UP YOU MORONS!" Bakugou said.

you snickered at the scene in front of you, thinking it was funny how they acted around each other.

"something funny extra?!" Bakugou said, making tiny explosions in the palm of his hand.

"yeah, I just think its funny how all of you interact." you say.

"huh, I guess I never thought of that" Sero said.

the rest of the day was pretty chill. you met your new teachers and interacted with the rest of your class. once you got to your dorm, you realized something. out of all of your classmates, one had caught your eye, and that was Sero. you loved his big smile, his black hair, and his personality. you had then come to the conclusion, you were in love.

(hope you all are having an awesome day! make sure that you eat and drink some water!)


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